[花边] LH-Avdija最喜欢的摔角选手是John Cena

楼主: beckseaton (沒有運動會死)   2025-01-31 19:37:13
Deni Avdija on why the Blazers play John Cena’s walkout song during games:
“John Cena was my favorite wrestler when I was growing up so I said I wanted
them to play that track when I get an and-1.”
(via @DannyMarang)
拓荒者队前锋Deni Avdija表示成长过程中最喜欢的摔角选手是John Cena
所以他跟球队说他在场上获得进算加罚机会时 希望能播放John Cena出场乐
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