※ 引述《XXXaBg (对的事情做一千次)》之铭言:
: https://twitter.com/thenbacentral/status/1651346840120442889?s=46
: According to @DenverSportsCom , Anthony Edwards has been cited for third-degre
: e assault for allegedly striking two women with a folding chair
: Per Colorado law third-degree assault carries the punishment of up to 18 month
: s in Jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000
: Anthony Edwards因涉嫌用折叠椅殴打两名女性而被传唤为三级攻击罪
: 根据科罗拉多州法律,三级攻击最高可判处 18 个月监禁和/或最高 1,000 美元的罚款
: https://i.imgur.com/MkBOOWu.jpg
: “A law enforcement source said Edwards picked up a chair and swung it, striki
: ng a security guard in the back. Then the thrown chair also hit a second worke
: r. A source confirmed the incident and said both employees were injured and as
: ked to file charges.”
: 事情发生在昨日输给金块,赛后要回更衣室时AE拿起一把椅子挥舞,击中了一名保安的背
: 部。然后被扔出的椅子又击中了另一名工作人员。消息人士证实了这起事件,并表示两名
: 员工都受伤,要求提起诉讼。
: 影片:
: https://twitter.com/thenbacentral/status/1651341866929889281?s=46
: 看影片感觉没打到人啊
The following has been released by the NBA.
NBA Executive Vice President, Head of Basketball Operations Joe Dumars
announced today that Minnesota Timberwolves guard Anthony Edwards has been
fined $50,000 for recklessly swinging a chair in frustration that struck two
bystanders as he exited the court at the conclusion of the Timberwolves'
playoff game against the Denver Nuggets on April 25 at Ball Arena. In
accordance with the collective bargaining agreement, the league's review of
this matter was deferred until after the criminal investigation into the
player's conduct concluded with charges dismissed last month.
NBA 副总Joe Dumars 今天宣布,
灰狼队Anthony Edwards在4月25日对阵金块赛后,
因情绪沮丧,而鲁莽地挥椅子,击中两名旁观者。被罚款50,000 美元