※ 引述《usnavyseal (usmarine2008)》之铭言:
: 标题: [外絮] LBJ想开除Spoelstra,Riley:你的工作是打球
: 时间: Thu Jun 1 09:30:39 2023
: https://tinyurl.com/ms6c4zxn
: LeBron James Outmuscled By Former Lakers Legend
: 前湖人传奇人物[Pat Riley] 搞定 LeBron James
: Pat Riley knows a thing or two about culture.
: Riley对于球队文化充满了独到见解
: The former Los Angeles Lakers role player-turned-broadcaster-turned coach
: enjoyed a lot of memorable moments in LA, both with the Jerry West/Wilt
: Chamberlain/Elgin Baylor Lakers and later in leading the Showtime Lakers.
: He's been a basketball force in his next two stops as well. As the team
: president for the Miami Heat, he's just helped take Miami to its seventh NBA
: Finals under his care.
: 这位前湖人队的角色球员、转行成广播员、再转行教练,在洛杉矶有很多值得纪念的
: 时刻,其中包括在 Jerry West/Wilt Chamberlain/Elgin Baylor 的组合和后来领导的
: Showtime 湖人队。
: 在他之后的两个停留处,他依旧在NBA具有影响力。
: 作为热火的球队总裁,他刚带领球队进入他管理下的第七次 NBA 总决赛。
: All told, Riley is heading to his 19th NBA Finals on Thursday as a player,
: coach, or executive.
: 总总加起来算,这周四的比赛是 Riley作为球员、教练或管理层的第19次NBA总决赛。
: Los Angeles Lakers All-NBA small forward LeBron James has appeared in 10 NBA
: Finals himself, including stints both with Riley's Heat and in LA.
: The two didn't always see eye-to-eye during James' time in Miami.
: 湖人队的全明星小前锋 LeBron James 也参加过 10 次 NBA 总决赛,包括在
: Riley 任内的热火和现在的洛杉矶。
: LeBron在热火的期间,他们两人并不总是看法一致。
: Michael Lombardi of ViSN and The Daily Coach spoke with Bill Simmons of The
: Ringer on the latter's eponymous podcast about the infamous moment James
: tried to get head coach Erik Spoelstra fired during James' first season with
: the team, in 2010-11.
: Michael Lombardi在节目上透露,LeBron在热火的第一季,企图开除总教练 Spoelstra
: "Look, there's so many great Riley stories because Riley believes in
: culture," Lombardi said. "This is a story - this isn't a fact, but it's
: fairly reliable - that players went in to complain about Spoelstra. And he
: went downstairs and told everybody downstairs, 'I'll be in there in 15
: minutes.'"
: 你要知道,有很多伟大的故事关于 Riley,因为 Riley相信文化
: 其中有个故事,虽然不是实际情况,但它相当可靠
: 球员们会去 Riley的办公室抱怨 Spoelstra,但他走下楼告诉楼下的所有人,
: “我会在 15分钟内进去”
: "He made them all line up against the wall," Lombardi continued. "And
: basically, all the mega-superstars that were there, he told every one of
: them, 'You don't ever come in my office and tell me to fire a coach. Your job
: is to play basketball.' That's culture!"
: 他让他们所有人都排成一排靠墙站,当时每个巨星都在,他告诉他们每一个
: “你们不准来我的办公室叫我要开除一个教练。你的工作是打篮球。”
: 那就是 Riley的球队文化!
: 心得
: LeGM vs the real GM
: https://i.imgur.com/wRn4ojO.jpg
: https://i.imgur.com/2tM4lfe.jpg
: https://i.imgur.com/ZoPnHD1.jpg
作者: aa01081008tw 2023-06-01 13:14:00