NBA GM Warns LeBron James Against Clashing With Lakers Over Signing Kyrie
Irving: "Last Time He Won A Clash Like That, They Got Russell Westbrook..."
某GM提醒 LeBron不要为了 Kyrie跟湖人起冲突
“上次LeBron赢得了类似的冲突,他们得到了Russell Westbrook”
Obviously, the Lakers have been heavily connected to Kyrie Irving, and it
makes sense considering he's probably the most valuable player on the market
this summer. But new evidence suggests that the Lakers' interest in Kyrie may
be overblown. According to what one NBA GM told Heavy Sports, the Lakers may
not be entirely sold on the prospect of giving Kyrie a long-term deal.
但新的迹象暗示湖人对 Kyrie的兴趣被夸大了,根据一名GM表示
湖人还没确定是否想给 Kyrie一份长期合约
Heavy Sport连结
“I would not like the message very much if I were on the Lakers or if I were
in the front office,” the general manager said in regard to Irving attending
two Lakers games in the playoffs. “There’s not an overwhelming sentiment
from them like, ‘We gotta go get Kyrie.’ It’s just LeBron... That sets up
a big clash, LeBron vs. the org. You know, the last time LeBron won a clash
like that, they got Russell Westbrook. Maybe he should think about that.”
该GM提到 Kyrie现身两场湖人的季后赛
对湖人的管理层来说,他们没有一定得到 Kyrie的急迫性
只有 LeBron想要,这会引起很大的冲突
你知道上次 LeBron赢得了类似的冲突,他们得到了 Westbrook
Leading up to the big Westbrook trade, it was widely reported that Rob
Pelinka and the front office would have rather traded for Buddy Hield and/or
Myles Turner, who would have given the Lakers everything they needed to
在 Westbrook的大交易前,许多报导都指出 Pelinka和管理层宁可换来 Buddy Hield和/或
Myles Turner,让湖人的团队更完成
Something similar threatened to play out this summer with Irving. Clearly,
LeBron wants the Lakers to do everything they can to sign the All-Star guard,
even though they are having some internal doubts.
今年夏季类似的事情可能发生在 Kyrie身上
只要能再夺冠一切都好说吧 以湖人近几年的阵容只有一冠说真的根本不及格
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2023-05-31 11:45:00
湖人就没有KI这选项 KI没合约换不到
除非KI愿意拿中产 不然交易不到 但是以KI在篮网的表现 对金钱如此看中 不可能只愿意拿中产
作者: karta1288826 2023-05-31 12:00:00
作者: sasakihiroto (白狗) 2023-05-31 12:29:00
自产自销新闻又来了 w
作者: linchihsiang (翔) 2023-05-31 12:29:00
剩1.2年就退休 当然急 但高层不急
去查季中姆斯有没有公开说要抢KI不就知道 又变造谣喔 还放话说需要夺冠阵容好几次了
既然都说LBJ 是GM.他不会算能不能得到KI?富堡也会算给他听吧?又不是勇士老板,愿意无限制花钱结果不知道规则
作者: starkiller13 (极星咏枫) 2023-05-31 13:07:00
看完王桑推文留言 高歌离席
作者: a09898966656 (游肥) 2023-05-31 13:56:00
其实原有阵容再小补还是有竞争力 主要是dlo软手 真的要KI还不如追一下Turner
姆斯能拿到今天的成就全看他组团的功力 说他没眼光那真的是在乱说了 他品腿功力哪怕差一点都不可能有今天的四冠
作者: KevinJohnson (TSL'7) 2023-05-31 15:12:00
一冠还不及格 其他2X队都傻了