Scott Perry Leaving Knicks With Contract Expiring
Scott Perry will leave the New York Knicks with his contract set to expire.
Perry joined the front office of the Knicks in 2017 and spanned multiple
front office regimes from Steve Mills to Leon Rose. Perry was hired by the
Knicks after he had a brief three-month stint with the Sacramento Kings.
Perry's voice diminished over time with William Wesley and Gerrson Rosas
taking prominent roles.
Scott Perry预计将于约满后离开尼克
Scott Perry于2017年加入尼克管理层,经历了Steve Mills到Leon Rose的时代
Scott Perry当时只为国王短暂服务三个月后就被尼克聘用
随着时间经过,在William Wesley 和 Gerrson Rosas担任重要职务后
Scott Perry的说话的分量逐渐变小。