XXXaBg (对的事情做一千次)
2023-05-01 14:52:58Steph Curry’s 50-point masterpiece started well before Game 7, with a speech
and a promise to his Warriors
SACRAMENTO — Stephen Curry’s epic Game 7 performance — in which his 50 poin
ts set a record for a win-or-go-home game — actually began Saturday morning.
Well before the Warriors’ 120-100 win over the Kings.
Stephen Curry的史诗般的G7表现 — 他在抢七大战中创下了50分的纪录 — 实际上是从
He was so angry after their Game 6 loss on Friday night, when they squandered
a chance to clinch with a spirit-less loss at Chase Center. He was so disguste
d by how they played, so disappointed in the division they allowed to seep in.
Curry couldn’t sleep.
周五晚上在Chase Center进行的G6后,Curry非常愤怒,当时他们错过了赢得比赛的机会
When he gave up trying and got up, before the sun had even risen, he checked h
is phone and saw a text at 3:45 a.m. Turns out Draymond Green couldn’t sleep
来Draymond Green也无法入睡。
They exchanged messages about their embarrassment, how Kings guard Malik Monk
called them old, about the fractured focus they’ve witnessed in their huddle.
Green was prepared to speak to the team, to try galvanizing the bunch. But Cu
rry was fed up enough to tell Green, “let me take this one.” That was all Gr
een needed to hear.
他们互相传讯谈论他们的尴尬,谈论国王队后卫Malik Monk如何嘲笑他们老去,以及他们
Before the start of Saturday’s film session, Curry stood before the group. In
the glass-walled atrium on the ninth floor of Chase Center, a space known as
“Above the Rim” that overlooks the Bay, he had their undivided attention.
在周六的影片分析会议开始之前,Curry站在团队面前。在Chase Center九楼的玻璃围墙
“I don’t even talk a lot,” Curry said to the team, “but I’ve got somethin
g to say.”
His speeches are scarce. His pep talks are mostly one-on-one. Teammates consid
er it rare, but when he does speak, everyone listens explicitly.
This speech, though, would become part of his legend. The prelude to perfectio
Even though he’s one of the guys, Curry still has an aura in the Warriors loc
ker room. They see his humility, his jovial nature and approachability. But th
ey know who he is, who they get to play with. His respect is unimpeachable. Th
ey recognize a legend in their midst.
“He is that guy,” Gary Payton II said at his locker after the game. “So whe
n he speaks, everybody better listen. Because 30 is usually quiet and lets his
game speak for itself. But he had to say what he had to say, because he knew
what type of vibe it was … and I don’t think he wanted to give this one up.
So he led and we followed.”
The reason they listen was on display at the Golden 1 Center on Sunday. In 38
minutes, Curry snatched hope from the Kings. In 38 shots, Curry reminded the w
orld of his greatness.
周日在Golden 1 Center,他们的听从展现无遗。在38分钟内,Curry从国王队手中夺走了
And when he was done, he was telling the raucous Kings fans they weren’t read
y for the wrath of a legend. He dropped 50 and then was looking for 50 Cent to
light the beam. But on this afternoon, it wouldn’t be a purple laser piercin
g the sky. Instead a blue and gold goat signal.
拿下50分,然后找寻50 Cent来light the beam。但在这个下午,不会是一道紫色的激光
Curry averaged 31 points on 22.3 shots over the first six games of the series.
The Warriors had outscored the Kings by 33 points in his minutes heading into
Game 7. Sunday, he had 27 shots through three quarters. By the time he checke
d out for good with 2:39 remaining, he was plus-25. The same Kings who looked
so close to knocking off the defending champions suddenly looked so far from t
he level the Warriors reached.
“At this point, he’s reminding people for no reason,” Jordan Poole said, “
He’s got the same edge as any of the other greats. Mamba Mentality, all of th
at s—. Steph got that s—. That’s what makes him so special. Maybe his appro
ach is a bit different than the other guys, but we know he’s a killer. Everyb
ody in the world knows he’s a killer.”
“在这个时候,他提醒着人们,”Jordan Poole说,“他具有与其他伟大球员相同的特质
But the Warriors didn’t win solely because of Curry’s 50. They won because,
unlike in Game 6 at Chase Center, they were locked in for the biggest game of
the season to date. Their team defense kept Sacramento to 42 second-half point
s. They were united as they took on the emboldened, youthful Kings, took on th
e frenzied crowd, took on the pressure of keeping their dynasty alive.
但勇士并不仅仅是因为 Curry的50分而获胜。与在Chase Center的G6不同,他们在本赛季
And they were together because Curry made sure of it. With what a few of his t
eammates called the greatest speech of his career.
而他们团结在一起是因为 Curry确保了这一点。据他的几位队友透露,这是他职业生涯最
“It gave me chills,” Andrew Wiggins said. “No. 30, he’s different, man.”
“它让我起鸡皮疙瘩,”Andrew Wiggins说。“30号,他与众不同。”
According to multiple sources in the private session, Curry told the team he b
elieved in them, that they had enough to win. He asked for their trust in retu
rn. He assured them he could deliver victory if they all bought in. He implore
d them to put all of their feelings aside — which sources with knowledge of t
he locker room felt was messaging directed at Poole, Jonathan Kuminga and othe
r guys who might’ve been unhappy for reasons such as playing time and role —
and lock in to the unified mission. Anyone who wanted to remain in their emot
ions, he told them to stay home. Anyone who was ready for their vacation, he t
old them not to get on the bus for Sacramento. But anyone who did get on the b
us, Curry took that as a signature of approval, a binding agreement to be on b
oard with the mission. And if they did that, if they got on the bus, he promis
ed he’d deliver. With his game, his faith, their solidarity, they’d win.
胜利。他恳求他们把所有的感情放在一边 — 据了解更衣室情况的消息人士表示,这是针
对Poole、Kuminga和其他可能因为出场时间和角色等原因而不高兴的球员的讯息 — 聚焦
Because of who he is, and how rarely he does this, it hit home in a way only C
urry could pull off. He saved the Warriors’ season before Game 7 even began.
正因为他是 Curry,以及他很少这样做,所以这段话以他自己的方式产生了深刻的影响。
“You’re in this space where you gon’ fold or you gon’ rise up,” Green sai
d, his voice raising with excitement as he relived the speech. “Once he did t
hat, you have no choice but to rise up. He f—ing got everybody locked in. ‘I
f you’re getting on this bus, you’re making a commitment to this team. No ma
tter if you play zero minutes or 40 minutes. You’re making a commitment to do
whatever it takes. Prepare your mind and body for this opportunity we have. W
e got embarrassed the other night and we never f—ing going out like that.’”
Kevon Looney — who had his own career night, grabbing 20 or more rebounds for
the third time this series — said he knew it was over when Curry, early in t
he game, waved off a screen. He wanted to go iso. That usually means his aggre
ssion is at max levels, that he sees a weakness and wants to attack it.
Kevon Looney——在本系列赛中第三次抓下20+篮板,缔造了自己的职业生涯之夜——表
示,在比赛刚开始,当 Curry挥手拒绝了一个挡拆时,他就知道一切已经结束了,他想要
He had 20 points by halftime. He went at Terence Davis, who replaced Davion Mi
tchell on Curry as the Kings sought more space and shooting. And when it wasn
’t Davis, Curry was luring Keegan Murray onto him. But, very much on brand, i
t was the third quarter where Curry put his foot on the gas. He scored 14 poin
ts on 5-for-12 shooting in the quarter, leading the way as turning a small Kin
gs halftime lead into a 10-point advantage.
他在上半场得到了20分。他在与Terence Davis对抗时,后者因国王希望获得更多空间
和投篮机会,取代了Davion Mitchell主防Curry。当对手不是 Davis时,Curry会引诱Kee
gan Murray上门。但是,非常符合Curry的风格,在第三节,他加大了油门。他在这一节
Suddenly, it was the Kings who looked nervous, who felt the pressure of the mo
ment. They started looking like so many have during this championship era, whe
n the weight of the Warriors finally crushes them. The James Harden Rockets. T
he Damian Lillard Blazers. The Kevin Durant Thunder. The LeBron James Cavalier
s. The Ja Morant Grizzlies. The Jayson Tatum Celtics. And now the De’Aaron Fo
x Kings.
y时代的众多球队一样,最终被勇士的压力压垮。James Harden的火箭队、Damian Lillar
d的拓荒者队、Kevin Durant的雷霆队、LeBron James的骑士队、Ja Morant的灰熊队、Ja
yson Tatum的塞尔提克队。现在又加上了De’Aaron Fox的国王队。
The Warriors weren’t playing lights out. Wiggins, whose 17 points was the nex
t highest for the Warriors, missed enough layups and free throws to leave him
frustrated. Klay Thompson was 4-for-19. The Warriors got just 18 points from t
heir bench and made fewer than a third of their 3-pointers again. That doesn’
t count a season full of drama they’d been lugging around like baggage. The f
issures that were ready to rip open. The tired legs and wanting size.
和罚球让他很挫败。Klay 19投仅4中。勇士队替补得到的分数只有18分,三分命中率再次
What the Warriors did have, however, was Curry and a newfound togetherness. Th
ey had a promise from one of the all-time greats and a bus loaded with commitm
然而,勇士队拥有的是 Curry和新建立的团结。他们拥有一位史上最伟大的球员的承诺和
When Curry finished his appeal to the team, he opened the floor for anyone els
e who had something to add. He started the seminal moment but was willing to s
hare with a teammate.
当 Curry完成了他对球队的演说时,他让其他想要发言的人发言。他开创了这一重要时刻
But there was no need. After Curry speaks, nothing more needs to be said.
但是没有必要。在 Curry说完之后,再也不需要说什么。
“Enough said champ!” Green yelled in response to Curry. “Nobody got nothing
! That’s it. What else can be said?”
The only talking left to do was on the court.