Just woke up from having a dream that MJ and I was shooting the sh*+ back and
forth at the Men's National Championship game between North Carolina/Duke!
Great vibes and EPIC CLASSIC GAME! It was a tie game/94-94/5 secs left/NC
with the ball. My ass would wake up to use the bathroom right before seeing
the ending of the game. Happens all the time. Never get to
the end. Anyways felt real as hell. Lol. Gm everyone
这是个伟大的场面和史诗级的比赛!比赛剩下五秒,比分为94-94,北卡的球权。 在看到
比赛结局前,我就梦醒起来去上厕所。这事一直发生。 永远没看到结局。 无论如何,总
感觉非常真实。 哈哈。 早安各位。
作者: BeggarHarden (胡子神=)) 2023-03-06 02:02:00
作者: Harrison1814 2023-03-06 02:07:00
作者: HeartBrokeRs (丹堤之恋) 2023-03-06 02:13:00
一提到蹭MJ某咪们就超级气噗噗耶 好可爱
作者: MasterJimmyL (草原三憋) 2023-03-06 08:06:00
结局我看过 mj无情+2 老詹上篮失败摊手要犯
所以LBJ打NCAA会选择杜克吗 是想在K教练下打球还是其他原因?
作者: spoilede0824 2023-03-06 09:34:00