Could you have imagined by the time you came back uh… Kyrie and Kevin would be gone?
I mean I didn’t just.. I didn’t just have to leave for no reason you know what I mean? Like I was… I was in a really good place in Houston, obviously we didn’t have a chance to win the championship but I was comfortable you know what i mean, so for me to up and leave my family and you know what I mean all things that I created there to come… to… Brooklyn for about a year and a half to try to get up and leave, it was for a reason. You know what I mean so uh… But I’m happy for the organization of
what they’ve… what they’ve got back, they got some really good pieces.
你知道我离开不是没有原因的。我在休士顿过的不错,当然我们不可能夺冠但我蛮舒适的,所以说我离开我的家人还有我在那里打造的一切跑到布鲁克林待了一年半就走人,是有原因的。你知道吗 呃 但我替(篮网)球团拿回到的感到挺开心的,他们得到了不错的东西。
记者2 :
James how would you sum up now that Kevin and Kyrie are gone… you left obviously last year, y’all’s time together here?
Uh… frustrating you know what I mean, it’s a lot of what ifs you know what I mean. I think when you play less than 20 games together you know what I mean so… it’s a little bit frustrating you know what I mean but… it is what it is uh… hopefully everybody’s in a good place now and we can move on.
呃 让人沮丧你知道吗?很多的如果 当你(我)们只一起打了不到20场,就让人有点灰心。但 就是这样了 最好就是现在大家都到了好的地方(也可以翻译成对现在的状况感到满意),然后我们都可以向前看。
There’s a lot of dysfunction uhh…… period. You know what I mean like… but there’s a lotta internal things that Im not… you feel me, Im not gonna ever just say or put in the media or do anything and… that was one of the reasons why you know what I mean I chose to make my decision. But uh now fast forward (to) today, I don’t look like the crazy one you know what I mean I don’t look like the guy that… the quitter or whatever you know what I mean the uh media want to call me like I knew what was
going on and I just decided to… Hey I’m not good for this like I don’t wanna deal with that you know, I wanna play basketball and have fun and enjoy doing it and uh… fast forward to today they got a whole new roster huh.
有蛮多障碍的(Dysfunction是群体性的用法) 就这样。你知道吗,有很多内部的事情我永远都不会说,不会告诉媒体或去做些什么,那是让我做出决定的原因之一。时至今日,我看起来不像那个媒体口中疯掉的那个你知道吗?或者是摆烂的还是啥。我知道什么正在发生然后我就决定,嘿,我不能接受,我不想去处理/面对那些你知道吗?我只想开心的享受打球然后呃 快转到今天,他们名单都不一样了呵
You know what I mean?