[外絮] The Athletic 2022-23 城市版球衣排名(上)

楼主: love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)   2022-12-02 13:48:47
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NBA City Edition 2022-23: Every alternate jersey ranked from 29(?) to 1
2022-23 NBA 城市版球衣排名
On Nov. 10, the NBA and Nike unveiled the 2022-23 City Edition uniforms,
which are now in their sixth season. These uniforms, according to Nike,
continue to “represent the stories, history and heritage that make each NBA
franchise unique — honoring the bonds between court, community and culture.”
But how do they look?
This year’s unveiling gave The Athletic an opportunity to have a little
roundball roundtable fun. Jason Jones, Rhiannon Walker, James Edwards III and
Hunter Patterson got together to discuss the 29 City Edition jerseys and come
up with their own power rankings.
今年11 月 10 日,NBA 和 NIKE 推出了 2022-23 城市版球衣,同时也是推出城市版球衣
的第六个赛季。 据 NIKE 称,这些球衣“代表着让每支 NBA 球队独一无二的故事、历史
今年 The Athletic 工作人员 Jason Jones, Rhiannon Walker, James Edwards III 和
Hunter Patterson 将 29 件城市版球衣进行排名讨论。
Our writers ranked each team using a scoring system where 29 points were
given to their favorite jersey, all the way to one point given to their least
favorite. (This explains the numbers in parentheses next to each writer’s
name below.) Note that 29 of the 30 NBA teams are ranked, as Utah chose not
to release a City Edition uniform this season. The Jazz launched alternate
jerseys earlier this year.
Without further ado, here are the rankings, starting from the bottom.
最喜欢的球衣获得 29 分,最不喜欢的球衣获得 1 分。这些作家将会依此评分系统对每
请注意,30 支 NBA 球队中只有 29 支排名,因为犹他爵士选择本赛季不发布城市版球衣
。 爵士队在今年不久前推出了其他版本球衣。
第29名 Golden State Warriors (21 分)
(The yellow rose supports female leadership and empowerment. Designed by
Allison “Hueman” Torneros.)
黄玫瑰象征著女性领导力和赋权。由 Allison “Hueman” Torneros 设计。
Walker (17): I love the idea of celebrating women, but I wish the team and
artist could’ve worked more critically on this design. A rose to uplift
women is very cliche.
Jones (2): I don’t get this one. Noble idea, but it looks like a novelty
deal. Gives me airbrushed overall vibes.
Patterson (1): I was born and raised in the Bay Area, and I had to read about
what this design was supposed to mean. That’s a problem. The Warriors missed
on a great opportunity to pay tribute to Oracle Arena, where they became the
best version of themselves. The rose can’t even be seen when the jerseys are
tucked in. Not impressed.
Edwards (1): This jersey looks like a bootleg. You can find this at a store
in the mall right next to the Will Smith “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” uniform,
which is right next to the Wu-Tang-inspired All-Star shorts. Gross. I like
the message behind it, but this ain’t it. At all.
1. 威尔史密斯《新鲜王子妙事多》
2. Wu-Tang 为90年代美国嘻哈团体
武当风格 Wu-Tang-inspired All-Star shorts
第28名 Orlando Magic (27 分)
(All-black jersey with metallic gray pinstripes.)
Jones (13): Just bring back the black jerseys Shaq and Penny Hardaway played
乖乖带回Shaq和Penny Hardaway的黑色球衣就好了。
Edwards (6): Aren’t these the same as the Magic’s usual uniform? Another
team that just completely punted on first down.
Patterson (5): The most basic of basics. The only thing saving this jersey
from being black with white font is the blue outline.
基础中最基础的。 唯一让这件球衣免于黑底白字的就是他旁边的蓝色轮廓。
Walker (3): These are so lazy and unimaginative.
第27名 Sacramento Kings (29 分)
(“Sacramento” across the chest and former commissioner David Stern’s
encouraging words, “We are keeping the team in Sacramento,” near the
Sacramento 字横跨胸前,底部为前任NBA总裁David Stern的话,“我们将球队留在
Patterson (15): It’s new and unusual for the Kings — maybe even a bit
bland, but they’re not terrible. I would’ve preferred either a throwback of
the title-contending Kings or a powder blue.
对国王队来说是个展新的设计——可能有点乏味,但并不差。 但我更喜欢以前有争冠浅
注: 我猜是指这两件
Jones (7): Why are the Kings in gray? Want to celebrate the Kings staying in
Sacramento? How about black and purple? Maybe something paying tribute to the
old Arco Arena? I’d even be good with the light blue deals, which are my
为什么国王是灰色的? 想庆祝国王队留在Sacramento吗? 黑色和紫色不好吗? 是向旧
Arco Arena 致敬吗? 我可以接受浅蓝色
Walker (4): Oh, a gray uniform? I have to imagine — and I know there are —
a million better ways to celebrate the anniversary of deciding not to
relocate a team. But this ain’t it, chief.
哦,灰色球衣? 能想像有一百万种更好的方式来庆祝不搬迁团队的周年纪念日。 但不是
Edwards (3): Gray uniforms never work. Ever. Stop doing them. Please. I beg
of you. Name one well-done gray jersey … I’ll wait.
第26名 Charlotte Hornets (30 分)
(Mint, gold and granite coupled with the support of Charlotte’s airport
薄荷色边配金黄色加上花岗线条 中间为夏洛特机场缩写CLT
Jones (10): Shoutout to the airport on this one. A really big shoutout.
Considering the Hornets had the coolest jerseys in the 1990s, I expected
这是一个向机场致敬的球衣。 考虑到黄蜂队曾有90 年代最酷的球衣,我原预期有更好的
Edwards (10): The lettering is too in your face. I don’t particularly like
gold on jerseys, either. Maybe they’ll look better on the court, but right
now they’d look better in the trash. The Hornets have too cool of colors to
come up with this.
这字体都快贴到脸上了。 我个人不是特别喜欢球衣上的金色。 也许在他们在球场上会显
得更好看,但现在感觉在垃圾桶里会更好看。 黄蜂队可以有更棒的配色的。
Walker (6): I’ve seen this before — you see how Portland celebrated its
airport? I need a lot more than just the CLT initials.
我看过这个,你知道波特兰是如何致敬机场的吗? (之后会提到) 我需要的不是只有
CLT 缩写。
Patterson (4): Wasn’t a fan of these. The pinstripes are cool, and I can get
with the gold lettering, but it’s just boring.
不喜欢这个。 条纹很酷,搭配金色字体可以接受,但很无聊。
第25名 Minnesota Timberwolves (37 分)
(A colorful collaboration supporting diversity and creativity throughout the
Walker (25): Doing something different every year — which is no small feat,
as we’ve seen — wins points for me.
Edwards (9): Just boring. Last year’s lime green jersey was one of my
favorites in recent years, so I was holding them to a high standard.
太无聊了。 去年那件绿色球衣是我近年来最喜欢的球衣之一,所以我对灰狼的要求很高

Patterson (2): I read the Timberwolves wanted to use different colors from
previous uniforms, but there were so many creative ways to convey that. This
feels lazy.
我了解灰狼队想要使用不同的颜色,但可以有更具创造性的方式来传达这一点。 这感觉
Jones (1): I don’t get it. The team that gave us Prince-inspired jerseys
gave us … this? Boring.
我不懂。 灰狼曾给我们 Prince 风格球衣,但现在给我们……这个?无聊
致敬音乐人Prince https://imgur.com/QjBRT6L
Prince inspired 球衣 https://imgur.com/6lzFHSk
第24名 Cleveland Cavaliers (39 分)
(The logo font identifies with the Cavs logo of the 1980s. Located above the
jock tag: “For the love. For the land.”)
Logo字体和80年代相同, 右下标签上写: “为了爱。为了土地”
Patterson (29): This is actually my favorite jersey of the group. The gold
font and subtle blue accents and shadows behind the letters work perfectly. I
’d definitely buy a No. 3 Caris LeVert jersey.
这实际上是我最喜欢的球衣。金色字体和浅蓝色符号加上阴影效果完美呈现。 我肯定会
买一件 3 号 Caris LeVert 的球衣。
Jones (6): Not the worst, but it’s nothing special.
Walker (2): Hey, shoutout to Lake Erie, but a bold font isn’t enough to
capture my attention. Do better.
向伊利湖致敬,但粗体字体不足以引起我的注意。 能做得更好。
Edwards (2): This might be the most boring of the bunch. The concept is
played out, and the colors don’t pop at all. Another team that punted on
这可能是这批球衣中最无聊的一个。 球衣设计已经没梗了,而且颜色一点也不突出。 又
第23名 Los Angeles Lakers (42 分)
(Reminiscent of a blank page; purposefully designed to resemble a canvas.)
Jones (19): Plain. Basic. But I’m from L.A., and it works for me more than
most. Then again, I just bought a pair of Jordan 1s in this colorway, so
maybe I’m influenced by that. Black and purple is never a bad combo.
平淡又基本。 但我来自洛杉矶所以设计合我胃口。 话又说回来,我刚买了一双这种配色
的 Jordan 1,所以也许我受到了它的影响。 黑色和紫色从来都不是一个糟糕的组合。
Patterson (11): Definitely thought of the Kings’ home jerseys when I first
saw these. They’re cool but not really moving the needle for me.
当我第一次看到这球衣时,肯定会想到国王队的主场球衣。 他们很酷,但没有打动我。
Edwards (7): I fell asleep looking at these. Nothing original, and the
concept is a “blank page”? Yeah, someone mailed this in.
我看着这设计就睡着了。 没有原创性,概念是“空白页”? 毫无努力的作品
Walker (5): Meh. (*shrugs shoulders*)
第22名 Indiana Pacers (49 分)
(A tribute to the past and present of Indiana-respected Gainbridge
向Gainbridge Fieldhouse球场致敬
Edwards (22): It’s different. The colors go well together. I also like the
subtleness of the celebration for Gainbridge Fieldhouse.
这很不同,颜色搭配得很好。 我也喜欢致敬Gainbridge Fieldhouse球场的点子
Patterson (16): A nice change of pace from typical Pacers jerseys. I
appreciate the design and color of the ode to Gainbridge Fieldhouse.
与典型的溜马队衣相比,有了很好的改变。 我很欣赏颂歌Gainbridge Fieldhouse球场的
Walker (8): Detroit made it very clear what it was celebrating with its
concept, and I would’ve liked a similar, in-your-face recognition of the
Gainbridge Fieldhouse.
活赛有非常明显的概念呈现,我会希望 Gainbridge Fieldhouse 也有一个明显的设计概
Jones (3): I don’t know why this jersey reminds me of a wrestling singlet,
but it does. The story of the Gainbridge Fieldhouse is cool, but I could
easily see this on WWE’s “Monday Night Raw” and be fine with that too.
我不知道为什么这件球衣让我想起了摔角背心。 Gainbridge Fieldhouse 的故事很酷,
但我脑海却呈现 WWE 的“Monday Night Raw”的画面,不过这样也不差。
第21名 Chicago Bulls (51 分)
(The Municipal Y, two sets of five lines and interior historic value dating
back to 1917.)
市政 Y 标志由芝加哥于 1917 年引入,代表芝加哥河的三个支流在沃尔夫角汇合, 两组
Walker (20): I lived in Chicago for a few months, so this one takes a little
in the know to appreciate. It works if you’re familiar with the area, not so
much if you’re not. The Municipal Y at the bottom is paying tribute to the
branches coming together that make up the Chicago River. The city’s flag,
which is one of my favorites, sits right beside it, and the design is
reminiscent of a throwback Bulls jersey.
我在芝加哥住了几个月,所以这个需要花点时间去了解,才懂得欣赏。 如果你熟悉芝加
哥,就会懂,如果不熟芝加哥,则效果不佳。 底部的市政 Y 是向芝加哥河流致敬。 这
Patterson (12): These might as well be the regular Bulls home uniforms, which
are cool but not exactly what I had in mind for City Edition designs.
Edwards (11): Did they even try to do anything different? This probably took
30 seconds to design.
他们有没有尝试做一些不同的事情? 这大概花了 30 秒来设计。
Jones (8): This looks like a regular Bulls jersey with stripes on the side.
这看起来像一件例行赛公牛队球衣,侧面有条纹。 OK。
剩余排名20 到第一名为
20. Toronto Raptors (52)
19. New York Knicks (53)
18. Philadelphia 76ers (55)
17. Boston Celtics (58)
14. (Tie) New Orleans Pelicans (59)
14. (Tie) Miami Heat (59)
14. (Tie) LA Clippers (59)
13. Oklahoma City Thunder (61)
11. (Tie) Denver Nuggets (62)
11. (Tie) Brooklyn Nets (62)
10. Washington Wizards (67)
8. (Tie) Houston Rockets (68)
8. (Tie) Milwaukee Bucks (68)
7. Dallas Mavericks (73)
6. Portland Trail Blazers (77)
5. Atlanta Hawks (84)
4. Detroit Pistons (93)
3. Phoenix Suns (99)
2. Memphis Grizzlies (102)
1. San Antonio Spurs (104)
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