[情报] Dragic:我不想要打一休五 我还没要退休

楼主: sakraypopo (龙之幻)   2022-07-13 20:52:15
Goran Dragic: "We were in talks with Dallas. They made an offer but I decided not to take it. They wanted me to play 1 game and then sit for the next 5. I know I can still easily play 20 minutes per game. I'm not ready to retire and just sit on the bench in a cheerleading role."
Dragic also said that the Bulls guaranteed "20-25 minutes off the bench", backing up Lonzo at PG. That's the type of a bench role he wanted to have in Dallas. Why Mavs weren't willing to offer that to Dragic is still a mystery to me. They won't get a better PG for a vet minimum.
作者: nowitzki0207   2022-07-13 20:58:00
作者: oceanman0704   2022-07-13 20:59:00
到兄弟阿 可以投一休四就好
作者: StaySup4Ever (Jose)   2022-07-13 21:02:00
他又不强了 体能下降速度也慢 找抓鸡经验传承比实力更多
作者: conqueror507 (冷箭)   2022-07-13 21:16:00
作者: JahillOkafor (拼错名 误我大业)   2022-07-13 21:48:00
作者: MattiaPasini (LBJ~CryBaby)   2022-07-13 22:06:00

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