arod1414 (万夫莫敌蒋智贤)
2022-06-09 17:17:38老巴:KD必须像LBJ或Kobe那样率队夺冠,抱团夺冠不算数
“You know it has an effect on his legacy,” said Barkley, who was promoting his
upcoming appearance at the American City Golf Championship at Tahoe. “If you g
o back and look, and I talked about it on the [TNT] show, LeBron has said it bef
ore — he said, ‘I had to win a championship without Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh
.’ And Kobe’s said it before, Rest in Peace, ‘I’ve got to win a championship
without Shaq.’
“So Kevin and Kyrie [Irving], before we elevate them among the old guys, they’
re not going to get the credit they deserve until they win a championship by the
mselves and be The Guy.”
“We grade harshly. And rightfully so. They get to give me s