※ 引述《auron4041 (雷电)》之铭言:
: 消息来源:(网址或出处)
: https://t.co/NnV7xvaSEI
: 内容:
: Ben Simmons told Nets leadership that a mental block for him to play is creating stress as a trigger point for his back issues, per @ShamsCharania
: Nets players and coaches wanted Simmons to show “resolve” and play in this series, even if it was for limited minutes.
: 大意就是西门的背会痛 是因为有心理障碍
: 有压力触发他身体无法上场
: 然后篮网的教练跟球员则是希望
: 他能表现出‘’决心‘’上场比赛
: 就算是受限的时间
: 短评或心得:
: 有没有哪位键盘医生
: 愿意来解释一下这个疾病会不会影响背部的阿