Two4 2022-03-18 04:41:35原文来源 :Basketball Network
原文网址 :https://reurl.cc/X4M993
Michael Jordan: "I don't care about the points, but I needed to know that you
believe in me."
Doug Collins played from '73 to '81 and coached four different teams between
'86 and '13. He has played and coached with and against a lot of historical
figures in the NBA. That gives his words credibility when speaking about a
player's character in the game, and he has a fantastic story about the nature
of MJ.
曾为现役球员的 Doug Collins 生涯执教过四支球队,而在他的球员与教练生涯中,曾与
过一个小故事,可以表露出 MJ 的本质。
Collins coached MJ during his Washington days for the second time (first being
from '86 to '89 in the Bulls). They had a good relationship, and MJ asked for
him to be the coach. Then one day, Collins sat an old MJ in a loss to Indiana.
Collins 执教过 MJ 两次,第一次是 86 至 89 年在公牛时期,第二次则是 MJ 在巫师二
次复出时。他们有着良好的交情,MJ 希望 Collins 来执教。而有一晚作客溜马队,
Collins 在球队落后下让老 MJ 坐在板凳上,巫师最终输球。
He would later find out that Jordan had an eight hundred something streak of
scoring double digits that Collins stopped by keeping him out of the game with
only 8 points. The reporters pushed this issue at the conference, and he felt
like this will become a thing. Collins didn’t just sit the GOAT, Jordan was
also the part-owner and president/GM of the team. He actually hired him and
later in the tenure decided to come back and play. So, double trouble for
Collins. After the game, Michael sat next to him on the bus to talk about what
had happened.
他后来才知道 Jordan 当时还保持着连续八百多场的连续得分双位数纪录,但这纪录被
Collins 中止了(Jordan 下场时只得了 6 分),赛后记者会上记者告诉了他这件事。
Coliins 晓得这肯定会引起话题,他不止是让 GOAT 坐了冷板凳而已,Jordan 在巫师同时
还是共同老板/总经理身份,事实上是 Jordan 聘请 Collins 来做教练的,对一般人而言
Collins 肯定有大麻烦了。赛后球队巴士车上,Jordan 坐到了 Collins 旁边聊了聊当晚
He got on the bus, and he said: "Scoot over." He looked at me, and he asked,
"Do you think I can still play?" and I said, "Absolutely, that's why I'm here
to help you." He (Jordan) said, "You know, to be my coach, you have to believe
in me and believe I can still play." I said, "Michael, I believe in you."
"You did the right thing, You did the right thing. I don't care about the
points, but I needed to know that you believe in me."
After that, they had a few drinks and smoked a few cigars on the plane back
from Indiana. Not recommendable for any athlete, especially a 41-year-old. They
packed it in around 3:30 am and MJ was in the gym at 7:30 the next day working
out with Tim Grover.
,特别是对一个 38 岁的老家伙。他们凌晨 3:30 回到华盛顿,早上 7:30 Jordan 就已经
跟着 Tim Grover 在训练了。
The next game MJ scored on first three possessions, and the opposing coach
called a timeout. He told Collins where he wants to get the ball and not to
take him out of the game until he tells him to. MJ finally asked for a sub with
two minutes left in the game. When Collins asked him what it was all about,
Jordan told him the guy that was guarding him said Jordan he was having back
problems. "Don't ever tell me you got a problem; I'll make you pay for that."
He finished that night with 51."
下一场比赛,MJ 开场连续三个回合都得分,对手教练喊出暂停。Jordan 告诉 Collins 他
想要在哪里拿到球,而且在 Jordan 自己说要下场之前不要换下他。之后 Collins 问他发
生什么事的时候,Jordan 回答说防守他的人自己透露了背不舒服。“永远不要让我知道你
出了状况,不然我会让你付出代价。”终场,Jordan 攻下了 51 分,在下一场,得到了
45 分。
Most players would take issue with the double digits streak. MJ just wanted to
know his coach still believed in him.
大部分球员可能对这类连续纪录都会有所介意。而 MJ,只要知道他的教练还相信他,就已