hey brother,imma just be real with ya here pack all SHIT, pack yo winter jacket
s and boots becuz yo ass is about to be traded to (Budapest) somewhere I don't k
now what type of bumbaclot blood got in yo eye BUT u can't charge at the #KING l
ike that on tv you will be drug tested #tivoice expeditiously just to make sure
that rage ain't drug related " we don't do that in the nba" u probably haven't
read the memo on fight attempts in the nba
#1 don't square up with @kingjames @easymoneysniper EVER .
#2 them two light skin boys @stephencurry30 @klaythompson On GS don't let ya che
st get puffy towards them or yo ass is done
#3 only two teams that's allowed to fist fight without any real penalties is whe
re ever @rajonrondo and @cp3 at
#4 wait til yo teammates get around u and then act tuff (for the crowd) sell it
like WWE ummm thats it's, good luck moving forward my man
PS this was worst then the gun in the locker room situation some can say this wa
s #attemptedmurder only thing that can save u right now is ( MJ dropping episode
11 of the last dance and he edits all Scottie pippen scenes out) or (Vanessa Br
yant) dropping #Themamba last season if u think
I'm bullshitting ask @eneskanter11 he got too close to the king back in 2016-17
and the Turkish president been trying to catch his ass ever since ”