[外絮] E.Watson和D.Green回应太阳老板种族歧视

楼主: love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)   2021-11-05 07:44:59
Earl Watson, Draymond Green respond to racism, sexism allegations against
Suns owner Robert Sarver
前太阳教练Earl Watson和追梦绿回应太阳老板Robert Sarver种族和性别歧视
Players and fans took to social media reacting to ESPN's bombshell report
that Phoenix Suns and Mercury owner Robert Sarver allegedly used racist and
misogynistic language throughout this 17-year tenure leading the
The extensive report leads with an incident in October 2016 when Sarver
entered the coaches' locker room after a loss to the Golden State Warriors.
He allegedly used the N-word several times in a conversation with then-Suns
coach Earl Watson asking why players like Draymond Green can use it while on
the court.
球员和球迷在社交媒体上对ESPN 的重磅报导做出回应,
根据报导称太阳队老板Robert Sarver
据称在太阳的17 年任期内使用种族主义和仇女的语论。
这份报告以 2016 年 10 月的一起事件为首,
据称,Sarver在与当时的太阳队主教练Earl Watson的谈话中
Sarver问为什么像Draymond Green这样的球员
Via Baxter Holmes at ESPN:
“You know, why does Draymond Green get to run up the court and say [N-word],
Sarver, who is white, allegedly said, repeating the N-word several times
in a row.
“You can’t say that,” Watson, who is Black and Hispanic, told Sarver.
“Why?” Sarver replied. “Draymond Green says [N-word].”
“You can’t f***ing say that,” Watson said again.
“你知道为什么Draymond Green要在球场说 N-word”Sarver询问并连续重复了几次N-word
“你不能这么说” 身为黑人和西班牙裔的Watson告诉Sarver。
Sarver问 “为什么?Draymond Green就说 N-word啊。”
The Warriors forward reacted on Twitter:
Draymond Green:
But I was fined?? Lol smh
Green has paid many fines in his career, from $2,000 for each technical foul
to a $25,000 hit for ripping the officials in 2018 and even a $50,000 fine
for tampering last year. That tampering fine came when he said Devin Booker
should get out of Phoenix while working as a guest analyst on NBA on TNT.
“It’s not good for him, it’s not good for his career," Green said.
追梦绿在推特表示: 但我被罚款了? 哈哈
追梦绿生涯中收过不少罚款 包含技术犯规的两千美元
和裁判的冲突25K 甚至是在TNT台上评论Booker被罚50K
The NBA has since launched an investigation into the allegations.
Earl Watson responds to ESPN report
Watson, who coached the Suns from 2015-17, issued a statement on Thursday
Watson levied several allegations against Sarver in the ESPN report, well
beyond just the story with Green and the use of the N-word. He said that,
among other things, Sarver threatened to fire him — which he eventually did
— if he didn't cut ties with Klutch Sports.
Watson在 ESPN 的报告中对Sarver提出了几项指控,
远远超出了Green的故事和 N 字的使用。
他说,除此之外,Sarver 威胁要解雇他——
如果他不与 Klutch Sports 断绝关系。
Watson is now an assistant with the Toronto Raptors.
While he didn't want to speak about any of the accusations in the report,
Watson did applaud everyone who spoke out about Sarver's alleged behavior.
"I am not interested in engaging in an ongoing battle of fact," Watson said
in a statement. "Instead, I want to applaud the courage of numerous players,
executives and staffers for fighting toxic environments of racial
insensitivity, sexual harassment and micro-aggressions with their truth.
"Basketball and 17 years in the NBA has allowed me the financial privilege to
speak my truth, but we can't forget about those who must remain silent for
fear of losing their jobs. While our fortitude assists with progress, there
is still more work to be done in the name of equality, and I believe that one
of the strengths of our league is its ongoing commitment to justice. This has
been a traumatic experience, one that has affected me profoundly, and I'm not
willing to relive it every day. But I will not forget it, and I will address
it more fulsomely at a point in the future when I feel ready."
等有毒环境作斗争。篮球和在 NBA 的 17 年让我有特权说出我的真相,但我们不能忘记
Former Suns general manager Ryan McDonough, who worked in Phoenix from
2013-18, spoke in a short Twitter video on the story on Thursday afternoon,
He pledged his support to both those who spoke out about Sarver in the story,
and to the current Suns players who were not involved.
“I read ESPN’s story on the Suns franchise today and I was deeply disturbed
by the contents of it, so I’m going to lend my full support to Earl Watson,
Corliss Williamson and David Bodzin for having the courage to speak in this
story," he said. "I worked directly with Earl and C, and I want everyone to
realize how courageous these men are … To the fans and the media, the Suns
players deserve our full support. They had nothing to do with the behavior
described in this story, so please realize the position they’re in going
forward and show them the respect and support that they deserve.”
前太阳队总经理Ryan McDonough也回应
“我今天阅读了 ESPN 关于太阳队的故事,我对其中的内容深感不安,所以我将全力支持
Earl Watson, Corliss Williamson and David Bodzin, ” 他说。 “我直接与Earl和
队的球员值得我们全力支持。 他们与这个故事中描述的行为无关,所以请支持他们的立
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