JessVeron (LisaMarine)
2021-03-28 23:39:14※ 引述《la1aco (lalaco)》之铭言:
: realair
: Why don't we just cut it down to four teams and make
: all of them super-teams
: 我们为什么不直接把联盟分成四队,
: 然后让他们都变成超级球队。
: daybreakin
: Since the the golden State dynasty, we only had
: one year of not having a dominant super team.
: 勇士王朝之后,联盟只有一年没有超级球队。
: JBtheWise
: Well shit, may as well have Melo sig
: n with them too so everyone can get their ring this year.
: TMD,不如让甜瓜也加入他们,
: 这样每个人都能拿到他们的戒指了。
: McDoobly-For-DinDin
: Can T-Mac come out of retirement?
: T-Mac能复出了吗?
: diamondisunbreakable
: Imagine telling NBA fans 5 years ago that KD,
: Kyrie, Harden, Blake, and Aldridge would all be on the same team.
: 想像告诉一个五年前的nba球迷:KD, Kyrie, Harden, Blake, and Aldridge会在一支
: mikesituation45
: I've tried to convince myself this is a norma
: l super team but now it seems like an easy ring. Not
: that Nets should feel bad, just kinda sucks for the rest of us lol
: 我很想说服自己这只是一支普通的超级球队,但现
: 在看起来一枚轻松的戒指在等着他们。
: 不是说篮网应该感到羞愧,而是我们剩下的球队太惨了。
: https://tinyurl.com/yh4n65vu
: 美国方面也很轰动