andy880913 (Andy_LegendKobe)
2021-03-28 17:38:35Source from ESPN
Brooklyn Nets continue to add depth for postseason, agree to deal witrcus
Aldridge, agent says
LaMarcus Aldridge, a seven-time All-Star forward center, has agreed to sign with
the Brooklyn Nets for the rest of the season, agent Jeff Schwartz of Excel Spor
ts told ESPN on Saturday.
在星期六根据媒介 Jeff Schwarz 遌D ESPN的 Adrian Wojnarowski 所说的,自由球员兼
老将 LaMarcus Aldridge 将会加入篮网。
Aldridge, 35, agreed to contract buyout with the San Antonio Spurs and joins a N
ets roster loaded with talent as it pursues the franchise’s first NBA champions
35岁的 Aldridge 已经与圣安东尼奥马刺达成协议合约买断,并且随之以自己的天资加入篮
The Miami Heat had been a strong contender for Aldridge, but he decided to accep
t the Nets’ offer of one of the franchise’s two remaining roster spots on Satu
rday, source said. Aldridge joins former All-Star Blake Griffin as frontline rei
nforcements signed off the league’s contract buyout market.
根据星期六的消息来源指出,迈阿密热火是追求Aldridge 的劲敌,然而他却决定接受篮网
给出的价码,补上篮网队上剩下两个空缺的其中一个。离开联盟买断市场后,Aldridge 与
Blake Griffin 的加入强化了锋线强度。
Aldridge is expected to play a majority of his minutes at the center position. H
is arrival could impact playing time for center DeAndre Jordan. Second-year forw
ard Nic Clayton has been impressive on the frontline recently, too.
Aldridge 希望在中锋位置得到大部分的上场时间。他的到来也许会影响中锋 DeAndre Jord
an 的上场时间,而二年级前锋 Nic Clayton 在最近也给人留下深刻的印象。
Aldridge hasn’t played a game since March 1 against the Nets. The Spurs and Ald
ridge agreed on March 10 that they would separate until a trade or a buyout coul
d end his six years with the franchise.
自从3月1号对上篮网比赛之后,Aldridge 没有再上场过。马刺与 Aldridge 在3月10号达成
“He’s been a great teammate. No problem there, “Spurs coach Gregg Popovich sa
id March 10. “We just think this is a win-win for both LaMarcus and the club.”
马刺总教练 Gregg Popovich 在3月10号说道:“毫无疑问,他是名好队友。我们只是觉得
He has averaged 19.4 points and 8.3 rebounds in his 15 seasons, which included n
ine years with Portland.
想当然会跟 DeAndre Jordan抢上场时间
但是 Kyrie Irving 那种个性会让此如愿吗?
当初 Steve Nash 因为Jarrett Allen 打得灵活又表现得蒸蒸日上,又因为DeAndre Jordan
的老化,想要将 Jarrett Allen 摆上先发,却被阵中的怪声否决
来个 LaMarcus Aldridge 他就会接受???
I don’t think so.