※ 引述《dragon803 (好想去露营啊~)》之铭言:
: The NBA has determined the Milwaukee Bucks violated league rules with timing o
: f Bogdan Bogdanovic transaction and will lose their 2022 second-round draft pi
: ck, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium.
: https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1341066734636322816?s=19
: NBA调查后确定公鹿违反了交易规则,将会失去他们2022的二轮选秀权
: The NBA investigated an apparent agreement between the Bucks and Bogdan Bogdan
: ovic in free agency, finding that early discussions did occur and constituting
: conduct detrimental to the league, sources said.
: 调查后发现确实有提前进行一些讨论表并且构成了对联盟有害的行为
: https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1341067179459002370?s=19
: 居然真的惩罚啦~
As a result of the Bucks losing a second-round pick due to investigation, there will now be 59 players