※ 引述《Audrey23 (奥德丽)》之铭言:
: ※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板 #1UeGVkgf ]
: 作者: USAGI0423 () 看板: Gossiping
: 标题: [新闻] 中国隐匿病情?林书豪拒答:我不懂政治
: 时间: Thu Apr 23 11:13:48 2020
: 2.记者署名:
: 郑廷玮
廷玮文是不能PO的 要转贴也看一下版规
: 3.完整新闻标题:
: 中国隐匿病情?林书豪拒答:我不懂政治
: 美媒《USA TODAY》记者Mark Medina今(23日)越洋电访远在北京的林书豪,这位前NBA
: 总冠军成员谈到3月在推特上怒杠川普“中国病毒说”时义正严词,表示要为任何歧视挺
: 身而出,但话锋一转聊到中国隐匿病情,竟拒绝正面回答。
: 当被问到中国政府被批评“隐匿武汉肺炎病情”、“隐匿确诊数、死亡人数讯息”、“拘
: 留医护人员”等问题时,林书豪拒绝正面回答,仅表示:“我不是政治上最精明的人,我
: 没有超级热中于政治。”
: “当我谈论某件事时,如果我对此事具备知识,或者我是专家的话,那我会尝试去说,但
: 在这个问题上我不认为自己能回答,我无法充满自信地回答你,因为我不觉得(在这个问
: 题上)自己是专家。”林书豪说。
网址: https://tinyurl.com/y9bslhv8
The Chinese government has also sparked criticism for how it handled the
COVID-19 outbreak, including shielding information about infections and
deaths as well as detaining medical workers. Lin declined to address those
criticisms, saying, "I'm not the most politically savvy and I'm not super
engaged in politics."
"I’m careful that when I speak on something, I try to speak out if I'm
knowledgeable or a quote-unquote expert on it," Lin said. "But at this point,
I don’t really have anything that I would consider to be (an expert). I can’
t confidently speak out on this because I don't feel like I’m an expert."
: 目前林书豪正效力于CBA北京首钢队,本季他率队打出流畅球风,广受中国球迷欢迎,疫
: 情爆发后已4度捐款给中国抗疫,合计将近400万人民币,使他在中国的人气再冲高峰,避
: 谈中国负面话题也情有可原。
Instead, Lin has channeled his efforts elsewhere. He has pledged $500,000 to
support those impacted by COVID-19 through Feeding America (a U.S.-based food
bank network) and Direct Relief (which provides protective equipment to
healthcare workers around the world). He said he will also match all
donations up to $500,000. According to his foundation's website, the
initiative has raised $137,072 as of Tuesday night. Lin said he plans to give
those matched donations to another charity that both parties want to help.
然而,林书豪做出其他部分的努力。他誓言要募到50万镁给Feeding America(美国境内的
食物银行)以及Direct Relief(捐赠保护装备给全世界的医疗人员)。他说他也会个人捐出
所以廷玮 你就只说林书豪捐给中国 所以不敢说中国坏话 人家他也有捐美国喔
记者应该要中立一点吧 也难怪你在NBA版被禁