违反板规烦请大大告知 "立马"修改
个人觉得的这类想法也无可厚非,一般人吗 金钱名声 都想兼得 在对自己有利的事上多
做一些 西瓜靠大边的。
但受人尊重又是一回事了,文中所说的拳王阿里 在那时的氛围下 站出来为被欺负的那方
表态 在当时时空背景下 所承受的压力一定比现在大;原本Khalilah也对LBJ寄予很高的
期望 但…….。
所以想问 能在困苦中坚持 虽千方指责还能保有清透的善心 其刚正不阿的心是让大家最
佩服的, 现在nba有谁有这类的事迹阿 请问一下 各位强者?
※ 引述《dragon803 (好想去露营啊~)》之铭言:
: Muhammad Ali’s second wife KO’d LeBron James on Tuesday over his controversi
: al remarks regarding the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, saying he’s not
: a “man of the world” like the late boxing legend.
: 阿里的第二任妻子对于LBJ星期二对香港发表的声明说他并不像已经过世的拳击传奇一样
: “LeBron is not a Muhammad Ali, no,” Khalilah Ali told TMZ Sports.
: LBJ不是阿里,绝对不是
: “But he could be. He could be. He could be a man of the world instead of just
: taking sides against other people. But when it comes to the world, he’s not
: a Muhammad Ali because he made that statement. That makes him different than M
: uhammad Ali.”
: 但他可以成为,他原本是可以成为的,他可以成为改变世界的男人的而不仅仅是选边站,
: 他并不是阿里因为他发表了那个声明,这使他跟阿里有所不同
: Khalilah, who in 2017 likened James to “the Muhammad Ali of basketball” for
: speaking out about racism in America, said she still loved the Lakers supersta
: r and called him “the greatest,” which was Muhammad’s self-anointed nicknam
: e.
: Knaliah曾经在2017年称呼LBJ是篮球界的阿里,因为他在美国谈论种族议题,说她还是喜
: 爱着这位湖人超级球星并且称呼the greatness(阿里的绰号)
: But she insisted that “you have to stay [the] course when it comes to human,
: respect, human rights, human liberty.”
: 但她坚持在事情攸关人民,尊重以及人权跟人权自由时,你必须要坚持到底
: “In Lebron’s shoes, I would stand up for the people in Hong Kong,” she said
: .
: 如果站在LBJ的处境,我会选择替香港发声
: “You cannot stand aside and not, you know, be a part of somebody who’s fight
: ing for their rights, fighting for their freedom.”
: 当人们面对自由与人权而战时,你不该忽视它
: https://reurl.cc/31OpqV
: man of the world到底要怎么翻译比较好啊,因为是谈阿里所以查了很多后才认为这个意
: 思是改变世界的男人,有人知道更好的翻译法再跟我说