btm978952 (感冒用斯斯)
2019-04-16 14:17:04※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒险盖)》之铭言:
: 来源: ClutchPoints
: 网址: http://tinyurl.com/yywgqueq
: Steve Kerr says Warriors delayed film session to watch Tigers Woods win the
: Masters
: Steve Kerr说球队延后影片练习时段 因为要看Tiger Woods赢名人赛
: With head coach Steve Kerr recently leading the Golden State Warriors to a
: Game 1 victory over the Los Angeles Clippers, it appears as though basketball
: was put on hold on Sunday afternoon as the team delayed their weekend film
: session to watch Tiger Woods win the 2019 Masters.
: 勇士总教练率领勇士拿下今年季后赛第一轮面对快艇Game 1的胜利,不过似乎在星期天的
: 时候,球队的影片练习时段往后延了