Teng0615 (å¸æ°´çš„好毛巾)
2019-02-12 10:33:22推 thXXXka : 笑死.有碰到脚啦.说二运的XD 02/11 11:53
推 smxxxdata : 怎么输? 前面让你的啦 02/11 11:54
→ stxxxon811 : 我以为只有我看到有打到脚 不要硬黑好吗 中立呢 02/11 11:54
推 prxxxty : 就打到脚...有人不要失去理智 (你是在大声什么啦) 02/11 11:55
推 qqxxx : 勇黑继续说二运阿哈哈 明明就打到脚了 02/11 11:56
推 thxxxka : 大白天看到一堆勇黑在subuki哈哈 02/11 11:56
推 aaxxx227 : 刚明明有重播 没看比赛484 02/11 11:56
→ qqxxx : 有些人就是为了黑而黑 可悲人生 02/11 11:56
推 axxxx2 : 勇士必胜 02/11 11:56
推 blxxxxmas : 勇黑到底会不会打球 公园打球都知道的 02/11 11:57
→ haxxxe : 开工第一天 勇黑正常发挥 气到不行 XD 02/11 11:58
推 Yexxxan : 没吹2运也是勇士赢啦 02/11 11:58
推 pexxxt910013: 舒服 坐等裁判报告打脸 02/11 11:57
推 blxxxxmas : 说二运的不是没看球就是不会打球 建议去公园打球一 02/11 12:00
推 stxxxon811 : 打到脚这么明显 说二运的都去看眼科 02/11 12:02
推 f8xxx06 : 重播打到脚还在二运@@一句话暴露没看比赛 02/11 12:29
→ jixxxlin0709: 哪里有二运阿@@ 不是有影片可以重看吗?! 02/11 12:34
嘘 loxxx9 : 勇酸输球就只会扯裁判和二运,可能是今天要开工,心 02/11 12:57
→ loxxx9 : 情不好
※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒险盖)》之铭言:
: 来源: USA Today
: 网址: http://tinyurl.com/y3ac4h8b
: NBA says key call was missed late in Heat-Warriors game
: 联盟说昨日热火勇士战末段有重要违例没有吹哨
: MIAMI (AP) — Golden State's Kevin Durant should have been called for a
: discontinued dribble on the Warriors' final possession of what became their
: 120-118 win over the Miami Heat, the NBA said Monday in a report detailing
: all calls made in the last 2 minutes of the game.
: 联盟星期一的时候在裁判报告里讲到,热火勇士战最后一次勇士持球进攻的时候,勇士
: Kevin Durant应该要被吹"中断运球"(Discontinued dribble),最后勇士以120-118击败热
: 火。
: Golden State made a pair of free throws on that possession, the final points
: of the game.
: 勇士在那次持球得到了两罚,也是勇士该场比赛最后的两分。
: The league, in its Last Two Minute Report that is released after close games,
: said it reviewed multiple video angles to determine that Durant's dribble was
: not interrupted by the ball making inadvertent contact with the foot or shin
: of Heat defender Justise Winslow and "a discontinued dribble should have been
: called on Durant."
: 联盟在赛后发布了报告,说他们重新检视了数个录影画面,从不同角度来检视,认为KD的
: 运球没有碰到热火防守KD的Justise Winslow的脚,所以"KD应该要被判一个中断运球违
: 例"。
: Also, the league opted not to fine Heat coach Erik Spoelstra for his postgame
: comments about the officiating — which were prefaced by Spoelstra beginning
: his remarks with "Look, NBA, do not fine me. I'm allowed to say this."
: 另外,联盟也决定不要对热火教练Erik Spoelstra在赛后对裁判的评论开罚