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作者: love1500274 (CoWuCoWu) 看板: Spurs
标题: [情报] 联盟以3分量不够 婉拒Bertans参加3分球
时间: Mon Jan 28 12:14:38 2019
So I’m told Davis Bertans wanted to participate in the #NBAAllStarGame2019
3-Pt contest, but got stiffed... apparently told he didn’t shoot enough of
them... weird because I swear there are at least 2 guys in the contest who
doesn’t either Spurs @TheAthleticNBA
马刺记者Jabari Young推特上表示
Bertans想参加三分球大赛 但联盟以数量不够的理由拒绝了
另外目前受邀名单中 有两位三分数量比Bertans少
分别是Seth Curry 跟 Dirk Nowitzki