[外絮] 76人队与骑士队讨论交易 Kyle Korver

楼主: thnlkj0665 (灰色地带)   2018-07-20 11:01:45
Cavs, Sixers discussing Korver trade
The Cavaliers and 76ers have had discussions about a trade that would send
Jerryd Bayless to Cleveland and Kyle Korver to Philadelphia, according to a
report from Keith Pompey of the Philadelphia Inquirer.
根据《费城询问报》记者 Keith Pompey 的报导指出,
骑士队与七六人队已经讨论过把Bayless送往克里夫兰跟 Kyle Korver 去费城的交易案
The Cavs have been looking to move Korver since the season ended. He’ll make
$7.5 million next season and have $3.4 million guaranteed in 2019 fully if he
’s waived on or before July 7.
自从在今年赛季结束以后,骑士队就已经在想方设法送走 Kyle Korver
Korver averaged 9.2 points in 73 games this past season and shot 45.9 percent
from the field and 43.6 percent from three.
Korver 在过去这一个球季合计出赛73场比赛,平均得到 9.2分
投篮命中率为 45.9%,另外三分球命中率则为 43.6%
Bayless has one-year left on his contract and is slated to make $8.6 million
in 2018-19. The 29-year-old appeared in 39 games with the Sixers last season
and averaged 7.9 points, 2.1 rebounds and 1.4 assists.
Bayless 还有剩下一年份的合约,在2018-19年球季预计可以拿到860万美金的薪资
场均缴出 7.9分 2.1篮板 1.4助攻
Korver began his NBA career with the Sixers. He played there for five seasons.
Korver 球员生涯就是从七六人队来起步,而他也在费城效力过五个球季。
来源: https://goo.gl/sYBrZ2
作者: winsteadlove (i love winstead)   2018-07-21 02:10:00
作者: dogwithheart (狗在心)   2018-07-20 11:05:00
作者: aktwophg7950 (啊毛)   2018-07-20 11:08:00
命中率40 40 场均只有9.2.....
作者: JaylenBrownL (JB)   2018-07-20 11:11:00
作者: Octorpus0320 (章鱼)   2018-07-20 11:14:00
Bayless在贵三小= =
作者: hbkhhhdx2006 (比格踢)   2018-07-20 11:33:00
骑士现在少了一堆侧翼 结果控卫很多又换控卫
作者: alfonsosoria (我是乡民)   2018-07-20 12:10:00
作者: loopdiuretic (环利尿剂)   2018-07-20 12:32:00
作者: RuleAllWorld (生命剩下365年)   2018-07-20 13:31:00
作者: hahahacoolco (海上男儿)   2018-07-20 14:07:00
yeah 回家了

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