Re: [外絮] 76人对于签下LeBron越来越有信心

楼主: sk050607 (板桥Vettel)   2018-04-27 20:37:14
※ 引述《noahlin (该怎么说呢)》之铭言:
: 来源:NBC Sports
: Rumor: 76ers increasingly confident about signing LeBron James
: 传言:76人对于签下姆斯越来越有信心
: LeBron James-76ers rumors have been mainstream for the better part
: of the year.
: LBJ和76人之间的传言在今年多数的时间都是一个主流意见。
: And they’re not going anywhere.
: 而这些传言哪儿也不会去。
: Marc Stein of The New York Times in his newsletter:
: I now fully understand why whispers about the Philadelphia 76ers
: and their growing behind-the-scenes confidence that they can woo
: LeBron to Philly this summer are getting louder.
: 纽约时报的Marc Stein在一封电子报中提到:“我现在完全了解为什么关于
: 76人有信心在今年夏天招募LBJ到费城的传言,变得越来越大声。”
: Why shouldn’t they be increasingly confident? Led by Joel Embiid
: and Ben Simmons, the 76ers have already won a playoff series. The
: Cavaliers are mired in a tight first-round series with the Pacers,
: and LeBron’s supporting cast has mostly stunk.
: 他们怎么会不应该越来越有信心呢?由Embiid和Simmons带领,76人已经赢下
: 一个季后赛的系列赛,骑士却还陷在和溜马紧绷的系列赛中,而姆斯的队友
: 大部份都表现很糟。
: This has the makings of LeBron’s previous free agencies – when he
: left barren Cleveland for Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh with the Heat in
: 2010, when he left aging Miami for Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love with the
: Cavaliers in 2014. Whatever motivations and narratives attached to LeBron's
: decisions, he has left sinking teams for better-positioned ones.
: 这已经有了姆斯之前转队的元素,2010年的时候他离开贫脊的克里夫兰去加入有Wade
: 和Bosh的热火,2014年的时候他离开老化的迈阿密回到有Irving和Love的克里夫兰。
: 不管有着什么样的动机或是哪些说法伴随着姆斯的决定,他确实是离开了要沉船的球队
: 加入体质比较好的。
: (补充:2014回骑士的时候还没有Kevin Love)
: The 76ers are good enough to fit that. They also have the cap flexibility
: to acquire him without sacrificing roster strength.
: 而76人足够好到符合这些,他们还有薪资弹性让签下姆斯不用牺牲现有的轮值。
: That LeBron has positioned himself as a mentor to Simmons – who shares
: an agent, Rich Paul, with LeBron – would only make signing with Philadelphi
: easier. LeBron could sell the narrative of teaching and grooming Simmons.
: LeBron, who cares about his legacy, must explain why he’s again leaving
: his hometown team in a way that won’t alienate everyone – not easy
: considering his homecoming message upon his return. Working first-hand
: with his prot嶲? would look understandable, maybe even commendable.
: 姆斯把自己定位成西门的导师,他们有一样的经纪人Rich Paul,这只会使得和费城签

: 变得更容易。姆斯可以宣称这是为了教导和照料西门,对于姆斯这样在乎历史定位的人
: 来说,要再一次离开家乡球队,他需要有一个不让自己失去所有人支持的解释,考虑到
: 他上次发表的回家宣言,这并不容易。而和他的徒弟一起打球,看起来是可以理解,甚
: 至是值得赞美的。
: (补充:回家宣言 I'M COMING HOME
: All that said, growing confidence could be going from a 1% chance to a 10%
: chance. That’d be a 10-fold increase while leaving Philadelphia a big
: underdog.
: 说了这么多,越来越有信心也可能只表示可能性从1%变10%,费城可能还是不被看好。
: LeBron’s free agency is still a huge unknown – including, at least in
: part, to LeBron himself. But I believe he has already started to consider
: options, even if he hasn’t made up his mind. And when that happens, signs
: could emerge behind the scenes. Perhaps, the 76ers have a read on those.
: LBJ会花落谁家目前还是个大问号,甚至对他自己,至少一部份的自己来说也是。但
: 他应该已经开始考虑可能的选项了,即使还没下定决心。而当事情发生时,76人也许
: 有机会看到幕后的讯号。
: Or maybe they’re seeing what we’re all seeing: The 76ers are rising
: while the Cavs are just trying to keep their heads above water.
: Which situation would LeBron choose?
: 或者他们看到的和我们一样,76人正在崛起而骑士还在想办法不要沉到水里,
: LBJ会选择哪个处境呢?
作者: hbkhhhdx2006 (比格踢)   2018-04-27 20:41:00

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