TMZ announced late Monday night that the Los Angeles Lakers are planning to
retire the jersey of Kobe Bryant on Dec. 18 when they host the Golden State
With Bryant it wasn’t a matter of if they would retire his number, but
instead when as he is perhaps the greatest player to ever wear the purple and
gold, winning five championships in his 20 seasons.
Another question that arose though is which jersey number the Lakers will
retire, as Bryant had some many iconic moments wearing both the No. 8 and 24.
It didn’t take long for that question to be answered as according to Ramona
Shelburne of ESPN it appears they will be retiring both jerseys:
Update. BOTH of Kobe's numbers will be retired.
Bryant played 707 games wearing No. 8, averaging 23.7 points, 5.1 rebounds
and 4.5 assists while winning three championships. He also was named to eight
All-Star games and won two scoring titles with that number.
He played fewer games in the No. 24, but his statistics were slightly better
as in 638 games he averaged 26.2 points, 5.3 rebounds and 4.9 assists. He won
two more championships while being named to 10 All-Star games in addition to
winning two more scoring titles with 24 on his back. He also won his only two
Finals MVPs and his one regular season MVP in that number.
It will be interesting to see if the Lakers hang up two separate jerseys on
Dec. 18 or if they somehow combine both numbers into one jersey but one thing
that is for sure is that Bryant deserved to have both retired.
Bryant will become the 10th player in Lakers franchise history to have their
jersey retired, joining Wilt Chamberlain, Elgin Baylor, Gail Goodrich, Magic
Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Shaquille O’Neal, James Worthy, Jerry West and
Jamaal Wilkes.
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所以两个都退 皆大欢喜