来源: Kelly Oubre Jr. ejected from Game 3 for shoving Kelly Olynyk http://es.pn/2qFCFX5 影片: https://youtu.be/Va7N_VD8NeA Wizards forward Kelly Oubre Jr. was ejected after shoving Boston Celtics big man Kelly Olynyk in the second quarter of Game 3 of their Eastern Conference semifinal series on Thursday. 东区半决赛第三场的第二节, 巫师队前锋Oubre怒推赛尔提克队的长人Olynyk后,遭到驱逐出场。 After Olynyk got whistled for an offensive foul for an illegal screen that left Oubre on the court, Oubre jumped up and rushed at Olynyk and shoved him as Olynyk argued the original call to a nearby referee. Olynyk的非法掩护造成进攻犯规,将Oubre撂倒在地上, Oubre爬起身来冲向Olynyk,正当Olynyk在跟裁判争论时狠狠地推了他一把。 Oubre reached across referee Monty McCutchen to deliver the shove that knocked Olynyk onto the floor.Oubre continued barking at Olynyk as McCutchen held him back before teammates separated the two players. 裁判McCutchen拉住Oubre,但后者仍持续向Olynyk叫嚣,直到队友将两人隔开。 Oubre was assessed a flagrant 2 and ejected from the game.The two players were immediately separated by players and security after the Oubre shove. Fans inside the Verizon Center chanted Oubre's name as the referees reviewed the video. The league reviews all flagrant fouls, and Oubre could face a suspension or fine for his actions. Oubre被吹判二级恶意犯规并且遭到驱逐出场。 冲突发生后,两队队员和保安人员立刻将两人隔开。 主场球迷在裁判观看回放时,大声呼喊Oubre的名字。 联盟将检视所有的恶意犯规后,Oubre可能面临禁赛。 心得: 巫师目前保有领先,Oubre的离场可能造成下半场战局变化,巫师加油~ 年轻人终究还是年轻人,太冲动... Olynyk笑而不语。