※ 引述《wai0806 (臣妾办不到啊)》之铭言:
: 来源:
: https://medium.com/has-been-sports/chandler-parsons-has-more-instagram-posts-than-points-for-the-grizzlies-12b7f50bf656#.oa24mxmdb
: Chandler Parsons has more Instagram posts than points for the Grizzlies
: 节录一下重点
: The NBA’s biggest bro has 89 Instagram posts . . . and 46 points since
: signing with the Grizzlies
: 高富帅在IG PO了89篇文 而他在灰熊总共得了46分
: Here are Parsons’ NBA stats since signing a max contract with the Grizzlies:
: 6 games; 46 points; 18 rebounds; and 5 assists.
: 他在灰熊打了6场 46分+18板+5助攻
: Here are Parsons’ Instagram (“IG”) stats since signing a max contract with
: the Grizzlies:
: 89 IG posts; 7 #throwbackthursday posts; and 9 shirtless posts.
: 他PO了89篇IG 7篇周四回顾 9篇没穿没穿上衣
: 心得:
: 当年豪豪的好伙伴变成薪水小伦 豪豪还只能领那个价格 只能说人帅真好
: 顺便附几张照片
: http://i.imgur.com/u0XEzVe.png show me your tits
: http://i.imgur.com/wEFtoaM.jpg http://i.imgur.com/DdK7XNm.png
: VC:这个人是在冲沙小...
看完报导 小伦又po一篇新IG表示
不过本周 NBA Social Ranking 只能排第二
第一是 Joel Embiid
上篇推文 show tits 的报导