Posse 并不一定完全是指肤色, 但是要看他整篇的用法, 而且Jackson不是第一次
Jackson 2004年出版的书 "The Last Season", 就有提到Lebron跟他朋友:
"In the Cleveland game, I was impressed with Lebron James, who has made
strides since we played the Cavs during the exhibition season. Yet as
talented as this kid definitely appears to be, I Don't Believe he or any nineteen-year-old should be playing in the NBA.
These young men grow so dependent on their posse, who fetch their cars and
their girls, that they can't possibly develop into mature, self-sufficient
human beings. One day, I'm convinced, we'll find out the true extent of the
psychological damage that's being caused"
"在骑士队的热身赛中, 我对Lebron 的进步印象深刻, 但是不管这孩子多出色, 我不认为
任何 19岁的应该打NBA. 这些年轻人太依赖他们的狐群狗党(posse), 那些帮他们
停车跟把妹的, 他们没办法成长为成熟, 自给的人. 我相信时间会证明这些心理上的
伤害 "
Maverick Carter在访问也提到, 如果Jackson只是说Lebron有特权所以我们纽约不想要他
, 如果Jackson称他们为Lebron的经纪人, 商业伙伴, 朋友, 这些他都不会有意见
他也没有否认Lebron的确有特权, 有很多主持人就提到, Jackson带队的时候
就连 Rodman 跟 Jordan不是都有playofff期间半夜去赌场到早上. 球星本来就或多或少
另外 Lebron另一个朋友 Rich Paul现在是很多球员的经纪人, Jackson这样会让未来