Re: [新闻] Kobe退役情绪激动 写信给球迷道尽感谢

楼主: icpolonaise (快速向上冲!!)   2015-11-30 14:56:08
※ 引述《kairiyu (E N O U G H is enough)》之铭言:
: Kobe退役情绪激动 写信给球迷道尽感谢
: Kobe Bryant今早在《The Player's Tribune》宣布,本赛季结束后篮球生涯将画下句点
: ,除此之外,Kobe还写了一封感谢信给球迷,足以显现他对球迷的重视。
: 信的标题为“我们第一次见面时,我只是个孩子”,信中写到,“无论你把我当成英雄或
: 恶棍,请你们记得我为湖人倾注了每一种情绪、每一分热情以及我的全部。”(Whether
: you view me as a hero or a villain, please know I poured every emotion, every
: bit of passion and my entire self into being a Laker.)
: 今日湖人主场迎战溜马,现场观看比赛的球迷都会收到此封被装在黑色信封袋中的信,信
: 的最后还有Kobe的亲笔签名。Kobe最后一场比赛在明年的4月13日,相信那天将会非常令
: 人难忘。
: 给球迷的信全文:(应该都看得懂就不翻了)
: When we first met I was just a kid.
: Some of you took me in. Some of you didn't.
: But all of you helped me become the player and man in front of you today.
: You gave me confidence to put my anger to good use.
: Your doubt gave me determination to prove you wrong.
: You witnessed my fears morph into strength.
: Your rejection taught me courage.
: Whether you view me as a hero or a villain,
: please know I poured every emotion,
: every bit of passion and my entire self into being a Laker.
: What've you done for me is far greater than anything I've done for you.
: I knew that each minute of each game that I wore purple and gold.
: I honor it as I play today and for the rest of this season.
: My love for this city, this team, and for each of you will never fade
: Thank you for this incredible journey.
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