djviva (时鼠无奈)
2015-11-23 14:15:22Bulls' path to 72 was more impressive than Warriors' run
72胜的公牛比强势开季的勇士更令人印象深刻 http://tinyurl.com/oqz2kvw
The Golden State Warriors are looking reasonably decent when compared to the
1995-96 Chicago Bulls team that won an NBA record 72 games. But let’s temper
the enthusiasm just a little bit.
如果拿当年72胜的公牛来相比, 现在这支勇士看来挺不错的, 但让我们鸡蛋里挑骨头来
Though the Bulls didn’t start 15-0 like these Warriors did, they did start
13-2. And they went from 5-1 to 41-3, which is a 36-2 stretch over 38 games.
虽然当年的公牛并不像勇士以15胜0败开季, 他们是13胜2败, 但实际上他们当年是5胜1败
后, 接着41胜3败, 这可是连续38场比赛里面取得36胜2败啊!!
What else does it take to get to 72-10?
They did have a big win streak