[外絮] JaVale McGee: 我正在回到精英级的水准

楼主: UrThereNow (老皮老板)   2015-09-04 23:10:02
DALLAS — After playing in just 28 combined games over the last two NBA
seasons due to nagging injuries, new Dallas Mavericks center JaVale McGee
says he was led to the team this offseason by its exceptional training staff.
However, with a goal of taking the court at 100 percent this upcoming season,
McGee also acknowledges that he has something to offer the Mavericks as they
attempt to fill the void at center following the free-agent departure of
Tyson Chandler to Phoenix.
因为不断的伤病缠身, McGee在前两季加总只打了28场比赛, McGee的目标是在本季打出
100%的状态, 而小牛队试着补下Tyson Chandler留下来的空缺, McGee了解他必须要对
McGee holds career averages of 8.4 points, 5.5 rebounds and 1.8 blocks in
19.9 minutes per outing during his seven-year career, making 158 starts in
382 total games with Washington, Denver and Philadelphia. He’s also a career
54-percent shooter from the field, showcasing an ability to finish above the
rim with flair.
历经职业生涯7年的McGee场均数据为19.9分钟, 8.4分, 5.5篮板以及1.8火锅. 在巫师,
金块及76人时期, McGee共打了382场比赛, 当中有158场先发. McGee生涯FG%则有54%,
Suiting up in only five games for the Nuggets during the 2013-14 season,
McGee comes to Dallas with concerns about his health following only 23
appearances for Denver and Philadelphia during the ’14-15 schedule. He now
hopes to have a bounce-back season with the Mavs, looking to challenge for
the starting center spot during training camp before attempting to capture
the NBA title with his new team.
McGee在13-14球季只为金块打了五场比赛, 14-15赛季, McGee更只在金块及76人队出战
共23场比赛, 因此这不免让人担忧McGee在小牛的健康状况. 现在, 加入小牛的McGee希望
能在新赛季反弹, 更想在小牛拿下总冠军.
“It’s definitely a great experience,” McGee said while addressing his
addition to the team Wednesday in an exclusive interview with Mavs.com.
He added: “I’m extremely excited to be here, and it’s just a real positive
experience. I’m glad to be here. … All I’m looking forward to is winning
and winning a championship.”
"这绝对是个很棒的经验," McGee在接受Mavs.com专访时提到. 他又补充: "能加入小牛队
让我非常的兴奋, 这是一种很正向的感觉. 我很荣幸自己能在这里. 我所期待的事就是
Playing in 17 games with the Nuggets and six with the 76ers, McGee averaged
4.6 points, 2.7 rebounds and 0.9 blocks in 11.1 minutes per contest last
season before being waived by Philadelphia in March. He then signed with the
Mavericks as a free agent on Aug. 13, inking a reported two-year deal worth
the league minimum with a team option in Year 2.
上一季McGee在金块出赛17场, 76人出战6场, 在这期间内他只有场均11.1分钟的出场时间,
拿下4.6分, 2.7篮板以及0.9火锅, 而在今年三月McGee则遭76人挥弃. 之后到了8月13日
McGee以自由球员的身分与小牛签约, 据报导指出此份合约为两年的底薪约, 第二年则是有
McGee now plans to lean on the expertise of Mavs head athletic trainer Casey
Smith to get back on the court, vowing to showcase the athleticism that made
him an attractive prospect for the Dallas front office in free agency.
“That was one of the major things about (signing with the Mavericks),”
McGee confessed. “With how good the training staff is and all the training
materials that they have and other teams don’t have, it’s definitely a good
“I’m definitely getting back to that elite level. The injuries really
slowed me down, so I’m definitely going to get 100 percent healthy and come
out and give it my all.”
McGee预计要依赖小牛训练师Casey Smith的帮助以让他重返球场, 在自由市场开始时,
他的运动能力吸引住了小牛队制服组, 而他也发誓自己会施展小牛队所看重的运动能力.
"这是(与小牛签约)其中一个重要的因素," McGee坦承. "小牛有其他球队没有的训练师及
训练器材, 这绝对是件好事."
"我正在回归精英级的水准. 伤病真的拖累了我, 我现正回归到100%的健康状态, 而且我将
And with his prior injuries now in his rearview mirror, McGee says his
athleticism will quickly set him apart from the rest of the players at his
position on the Mavs’ roster.
“Well, I definitely feel like we’re different players, the centers that we
have, so it’s definitely going to be good competition,” McGee explained. “
But that’s what basketball is for, competition, so it’s definitely going to
make us all better.
就跟他同样位置的小牛球员来说, McGee认为自己的运动能力会很快的让他看跟那些球员
"我真的觉得自己跟他们是不同的球员(小牛中锋们), 这绝对会是个良好的竞争," McGee
解释. "篮球就是个竞争, 而这绝对会让我们都变得更好."
“It’s definitely a positive thing, being a leaper as I am and a shot
blocker and a dunker, so that’s definitely what teams need. I’m just
somebody who keeps it simple, who dunks the ball, blocks shots and is just a
presence in the paint. … [Mavs coach Rick Carlisle] just wants me to keep it
simple, and just play as hard as I can and be a presence in the paint.”
"我就像原本的我一样当个跳跃者(leaper), 当个火锅盖帽, 灌篮的球员, 这无疑对我是
件正面的事, 而这也是球队都需要的. 我会让这些事变简单, 我灌篮, 盖锅, 出现在油漆区.
(Carlisle)只要我让这些事变得简单, 他要我尽自己的全力, 要我出现在油漆区."
作者: exogeneous01 (hon)   2015-09-05 07:05:00

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