Free agent guard MarShon Brooks has signed with Jiangsu of the Chinese
Basketball Association, sources told RealGM.
消息指出, 自由球员MarShon Brooks已与CBA的江苏队签约.
After three seasons in the NBA from 2011 to 2014, Brooks signed with Olimpia
Milano in the Euroleague, averaging 13.3 points and 3.1 rebounds and shooting
45.6 percent from the floor in 23 minutes a night over 67 games last season.
2011-2014年间Brooks在曾在NBA效力, NBA生涯结束后Brooks与欧洲联赛的Olimpia Milano
队签约, 场均23分钟的时间内缴出13.3分, 3.1篮板, FG% 45.6%.
Brooks was the No. 25 overall pick in the 2011 NBA draft to the Nets via the
Celtics. As a rookie, he averaged 12.5 points, 3.6 rebounds and 2.3 assists.
Brooks also played for the Los Angeles Lakers, Boston Celtics and Golden
State Warriors in his most recent NBA season in 2013-14.
Brooks是2011年选秀会的第25顺位. 他在菜鸟球季有场均12.5分, 3.6篮板, 2.3助攻的
数据. 他也曾在2013-14赛季为湖人, 赛尔蒂克, 及勇士队打过球.