推 pxx0xx1 : RIP
嘘 chxxhxx : 嘘一楼乱用字
嘘 pxxtyxxm : 怒嘘一楼
Rip City暱称的来由:
( 引用自NBA.com http://goo.gl/ZSMIh6 以及维基百科 https://goo.gl/UnFxyE )
Even if he hadn’t been a major force in introducing the Trail Blazers to the
fans, Bill Schonely would still be known as the man who created “Rip City.”
It happened accidentally, in a first-season game against the Lakers. With
Portland in the middle of a second-quarter rally, Jim Barnett swished a long
jump shot – probably a 3-pointer if the rule had existed in those days –
and out of Schonely’s mouth came “Rip City – all right!” At the next
time-out, Schonely’s scorekeeper, Jeff Wohler, nudged him. “Hey, where did
that come from?” Schonz responded, “I don’t know – it just came out.”
Wohler said, “Well, leave it in.”
这个绰号完全是意外产生的, 在拓荒者创队的第一季对上湖人的比中(1971年),Jim Barnett
命中了一个跳投(假如那时有三分线的话那会是颗三分球), 然而, 体育播报员
Bill Schonely却说了: "Rip City - all right!" 在下一个比赛暂停时, 记分员就问他
"嘿, 那句话是从哪来的?" Schonely就回答 "我不知道, 那句话从我嘴巴跑出来了."
想说好奇想查查看, 毕竟有疑问很久了, 假如有真拓迷可以补充的话那更好~