SULICon (監工å°å¸å¾’(〞︶ã€ï¼Š))
2015-06-28 11:15:10推 and1hotsauce: 如果不是Karl的人马,难道会是国王老板和Divac的人 06/27 18:04
→ and1hotsauce: 马吗?如果不是他的人马,那到底是谁想交易Cousins? 06/27 18:06
→ SULICon : 1.Karl并没有国王老板的授权去和任何球队谈交易 06/27 18:06
→ SULICon : 2.如果Karl真想要交易Cousins 那他必须跟Divac谈 06/27 18:06
→ SULICon : 3.Karl在没有授权下去找其他球队谈 没人会理他 06/27 18:07
→ SULICon : 他只能说他是黄易派来的 06/27 18:07
→ SULICon : 4.如果湖人真有收到正式的交易提案 那就会是国王 06/27 18:07
→ SULICon : 管理阶层提出的
这篇原文其实是在 Divac 上沙加缅度当地电台 KHTK 1140 讲述之前那阵混乱的情况,
并非是讲现在 Cousins 经纪人有老板的授权来直接找其他球队谈交易.而这些话都是
借由 Divac 的嘴亲口说出,可信度是足够的.我们先来搞清楚 Divac 的职位跟职权是
Kings Name Vlade Divac Vice President of Basketball and Franchise Operations
Kings Legend and Sacramento Icon to Advise Front Office, Coaching Staff
and Business Operations in New Role
In this capacity, Divac’s responsibilities will include advising the Kings
front office and coaching staff, assisting the organization’s global
branding efforts, augmenting fan outreach initiatives and oversight of
player development programs. Additionally, he will facilitate talent
evaluation and help foster relationships between the team and a growing
pipeline of European athletes.
但是也因为里面有包含到人事的部分,所以也造成 Pete D'Alessandro 的离职,不过
这是迟早的问题,因为本来就有General Manager在管篮球事务,突然老板又多加一层
盖说你要先取得VP同意再说,那我留在这边不就跟棒槌一样,所以 Divac 的上任其实
也反映出国王老板对于 D'Alessandro 的不信任,借由雇用 Divac 且赋予重复的职权
但更高的位阶来让 D'Alessandro 离职.这就是为什么我说官话是拿来河蟹的,那些
残酷的商业手段往往不会被人们所记住,以下是当时 D'Alessandro 对于 Divac 就任的
“Over the past year that I have gotten to know Vlade,he has proven himself
as an ambassador to the Sacramento community," said Kings General Manager
Pete D'alessandro. “The organization is fortunate to have him as an
advisor. I look forward to his contributions, especially with respect to
his knowledge of the international game.”
三月 Divac 上任,六月 D'Alessandro 就跑去金块了~所以我在想他嘴巴讲这些话的
时候,心里大概在叹大势已去之类的 0rz.
而 Karl 会跟 Divac 沟通上出问题其实也还蛮正常的,Karl 是名有战绩背书的教练,
所以请他来当教练,就要有心理准备让他对阵容上插嘴,好死不死 Divac 又刚上任,
D'Alessandro不想魁儡化所以离去,Divac 如果让 Karl 来主导球员阵容,那他只不过
是另一个D'Alessandro而已,想当然尔,有雄心壮志的他不会鸟 Karl.以下的谈话就
显示出,无论其他人怎么说,Divac 做他应该做的事情:
"I just was tired last week, or days, of these rumors, and putting a
lot of stuff on our back, making this even harder than it is," Divac
said in aninterview with Sacramento radio station KHTK 1140 Friday
"I try to be who I am, and try to do my job best I can and try to do the
best I can for the franchise. I'm not going to let somebody change my
mind because they're putting (threats in) the paper or putting the
pressure on me. I'll do the best I can to improve this team."
后半段很明显是针对 Fegan 跟 Karl,但是其实 Karl 是没有职权去主导人事,以下是
Karl:Cousins 跟我不合啦~再这样下去我战绩也没办法交代,你可不可以帮我
在阵容上做点事情呀,喔齁齁齁齁齁( ̄︶ ̄)a
Divac:我要留 Cousins,你要想办法跟他沟通,不要在那边囉嗦.(/‵Д′)凸
然后 Fegan (Dwight-mare的编剧)就很"刚好"的找了一鼻子灰的 Karl 聊聊:
Fegan:听说你跟我家 Cousins 磁场不合唷~其实他也没有很想替你打球啦,不然
Karl:好唷好唷,喔齁齁齁齁齁( ̄▽ ̄)
见到了老板 Vivek Ranadive 就开始画虎烂了:
Fegan:我跟你讲~Cousins 不怎么想待国王,反正你们教练也不想用他,他这样打
的,包君满意,昨天我就跟湖人那棒槌球团聊过了,他们有意愿收 Cousins
,你只要一句话我就去谈细节,最后叫 Divac 把章盖一盖就好了!
So when Fegan tried to orchestrate a trade that would send Cousins to the Los
Angeles Lakers in the days leading up to the draft – one that Kings owner
Vivek Ranadive gave him permission to pursue when he made it clear that Cousins
wanted out – it wouldn't have shocked anyone if Divac decided to do the deal
just to quiet this storm. Instead, he's trying to fix a fractured situation on
his terms.
就这样得到了非正式的授权.....Fegan 走后,Vivek 突然想到好像还有 Divac 的存在
Ranadive:听说 Cousins 不想留在国王?听说 Karl 跟 Cousins 不合?听说湖人
愿意收 Cousins?听说你长得很像尚雷诺?
Divac:欸....老板,Karl 跟 Cousins 是有状况没错,不过是可以处理的,其他都
Ranadive:阿就 Fegan 有来找我啊~说 Karl 怎样怎样,湖人那边怎样怎样,我就
目前看来 Divac 还是夺回所有最终的决策权,也对 Karl 跟 Fegan 很不满,对老板应该
是无奈,其实 Divac 也可以选择独善其身盖个章,然后就没他的事情了,不过他选择正
"I'll be honest with you, how I think right now, I think they got the message
yesterday," he said. "So here I am, and if you're on board, (you're) more than
welcome. If you're not, I've got to go. I can't wait. We do have everything
except time. We have to go forward and try to make it a healthy environment and
try to have a good team for next year.
"Look, we're going to have ups and downs in the next couple months. And you're
going to hate me, you're going to love me, but believe me I'm going to do the
best I can to make this thing work. With me, with DeMarcus, with George, or
without me, without DeMarcus, without George, I don't know. But we'll make it
"Well you know, like in every other job, you have bad days and good days," he
said. "I'm glad that I met my bad days in early stage. I'm waiting for good
days in the future."