SULICon (監工å°å¸å¾’(〞︶ã€ï¼Š))
2015-06-25 22:48:23原本雷霆出 Jeremy Lamb 要换 Matt Barnes,后来只换回二轮签
(最新消息多拿到 Ridnour)
原本没灰熊的事~可是突然接到黄蜂的电话,就丢 Ridnour 收了 Barnes
原本 Ridnour 被魔术交易去灰熊后就没事,可是被黄蜂煞到掳去,
Barnes 则是一直都很有事,快艇->黄蜂->(雷霆) 雷霆抽手
-> 灰熊 是在搭捷运吗?
: 推 a222317168 : 突然好奇历史上谁是开赛前交易最多次的阿 06/25 22:25
: 推 atyin : 有没有单季转队最多纪录啊XDDDDDDDDDDD 06/25 22:28
: → SULICon : Q-Rich表示:你还差的远 06/25 22:32
June 25, 2009: Traded by the New York Knicks with cash to the Memphis
Grizzlies for Darko Milicic.
July 17, 2009: Traded by the Memphis Grizzlies to the Los Angeles Clippers
for Zach Randolph.
July 20, 2009: Traded by the Los Angeles Clippers to the Minnesota
Timberwolves for Mark Madsen, Craig Smith and
Sebastian Telfair.
August 13, 2009: Traded by the Minnesota Timberwolves to the Miami Heat for
Mark Blount.