danielar (danielar)
2015-05-26 17:45:08Source: http://goo.gl/n3EGSe
Did James Harden go clubbing with Drake before Game 3?
Some Twitter users say James Harden poor performance in Game 3 was a result
of partying with Drake the night before.
有些推特使用者在推特上声称Harden在Game 3贫乏的表现是因为前一天晚上去了夜店狂欢
The Houston Rockets were destroyed by the Golden State Warriors in Game 3 of
the Western Conference Finals at the Toyota Center. The Rockets lost 115-80,
or by 35 points.
MVP candidate James Harden had 17 points but an awful 3-16 shooting from the
field, 1o of those points coming from free throws.
So what happened to James Harden? Was it the Lil B curse that has afflicted
Oklahoma City Thunder star Kevin Durant all these years?
Houston Rockets在Game 3输给了Golden State Warriors 35分
MVP候选人Harden得到了17分 但是命中率却是难堪的16投3中 有10分是在罚球线上得到的
所以Harden怎么了? 是Lil B的诅咒影响到了他吗?
Well some Twitter users seem to think that there is a different explanation
for his performance. They say Harden was at V-Live partying with Drake the
night before the game, and that the residual effects from that night out on
the town impacted his performance.
嗯有些推特使用者(2位 还都是达拉斯人)对Harden的表现看似有不一样的解释
并且影响到了Harden在Game 3的表现
Now these are just two tweets. Either Harden went and was considerably pretty
good at hiding, or he found a club with the most anti-social media patrons of
all time. If Harden was in a club on Friday night, surely there would’ve
been more than two tweets.
不管Harden是去了夜店且躲藏的很好 或是这间夜店有个很讨厌社交媒体的赞助人
如果Harden在礼拜五晚上真的去了夜店 我敢说网络上绝对超过两则推特
And we assume this goes without saying but just in case it doesn’t, these
are just a couple of guys and Twitter so let’s not assume that this is fact.
看起来这就只是两名仁兄在推特上的发言 我们不该把此当作事实看待
所以大家在看报导前 有没有想过要求证呢?