※ 引述《wilsonkoo (卷毛)》之铭言:
: The Score http://goo.gl/Qby4qN
: Blake Murphy 2015/5/6
: The NBA is now doing more than just publicly supporting the legalization and
: regulation of sports betting.
: The league has also been in negotiations with multiple global sports betting
: companies in search of an official league partner, according to a report from
: Jared Zwerling of Bleacher Report. The report indicates that the league wants
: an official partner for Europe's regulated markets, which allow for betting
: on American sports.
: NBA现在不只公开支持运动赌博的合法化. NBA也正在与数家国际运动赌博公司协商,
: 以寻找官方合作伙伴, 根据Bleacher Report的Jared Zwerling报导. 报导指出, 联盟想要
: 为了欧洲市场找一个官方伙伴, 而欧洲市场允许美国运动的赌博.
: As a source told Zwerling, the NBA is looking to the EPL for best practices -
: and results - as they dip their toe into the water:
: "The NBA has seen the success that English Premier League soccer clubs have
: had with sports betting operators, and they're following that same model.
: They've seen the naming rights and the size of those deals, and they
: understand that it's an opportunity to open up another revenue stream
: overseas, in the hundreds of millions of dollars."
: 一个消息告诉Zwerling, 当NBA小心翼翼进入这块市场时,他们正在注意英超足球联赛,
: 以为了有最好的执行以及结果.
: "NBA看见了英超足球联赛与运动赌博营运者的成功, 而他们正跟随相同的模式. 他们对
: 于命名权以及赌注的大小则有些知识了. 而他们了解这是在海外开启其他产品线营收
: (revenue stream)的一个机会, 有着数亿的金额."
: Commissioner Adam Silver has been very clear that he supports eventual sports
: gambling in the United States, with the NBPA throwing their support behind
: the idea as well. Silver believes that gambling improves engagement and
: therefore is good for business. He also believes legalization and government
: regulation could help with potential conflicts rather than create them.
: NBA总裁Adam Silver明白的支持美国运动赌博, 而NBA篮球员公会也支持这个主意.
: Silver相信赌博能增加参与度, 所以这对商业非常有利. 他也相信, 与其是制造冲突,
: (运动赌博)合法化及政府的规范可以缓和潜在的冲突.
: 详情在此: http://goo.gl/PwHE5T