[外絮] Rose: 我仍是NBA最强球员之一

楼主: wilsonkoo (卷毛)   2015-04-19 07:09:39
来源: CBS Sports http://ppt.cc/q-Gt
作者: Matt Moore 2015/4/18
Rose: 我仍是联盟最强球员之一
Derrick Rose told the AP this week that he still think he can be an elite
player in this league, even after his repeated knee surgeries. The Bulls star
enters the playoffs with less than two weeks since his return from surgery to
repair a meniscus, and Chicago faces major questions in regards to how far
they can go with what is seen as a physically compromised Rose. From the AP:
Rose本周表示尽管他膝盖反复受伤, 他仍然认为自己是联盟中最强的球员之一. Rose复出
后, 仅剩两周季后赛就要开始, 而芝加哥能走多远可能得看Rose身体的状况.
"I believe I'm one of the best players in the NBA," Rose said.
"Still," he said.
"我认为我是联盟最强的球员之一." Rose表示.
Bulls coach Tom Thibodeau has said that he doesn't need Rose to be his MVP
self, he just needs to run the offense. The problem is that doesn't match
Rose's skill set. He's bad from the outside, shooting just 28 percent from
range. And floor general doesn't go well with his instincts offensively. Yet,
there's time for Rose to adjust. And if he can find a groove that still
allows him moments of Peak-Rose-ness, the Bulls have a shot.
锡箔多表示Rose并不需要打到MVP的身手, 他所该做的就是串起进攻. 但这并不是Rose具有
优势的地方, 他的外线很差, 只有28%. 当然他还有一点点时间可以再进行调节, 一旦他找
到了节奏, 那公牛会更有竞争力.
Injuries take away your consistency. Brandon Roy taught us that. It's not
that Rose can't have nights. It's that there's almost always a cost, as there
was in the final game of the season where Rose sat the second half due to
"soreness." Every time Rose plants, there will be wincing from his fans. Each
time he shows any pain when it comes to his knees, the basketball-watching
world will gasp. But Rose can still be effective, can still take over for
stretches, can still help lead the Bulls on a playoff run, and in this
Eastern Conference, who knows how far that can go?
伤病会降低球员的持久性, Brandon Roy就是个好例子, 这不是说Rose不能有好表现,
只是每一场比赛都是在消耗他的身体, 本季最后一场比赛Rose又因脚部酸痛而缺席第二节.
Rose的伤病是全世界球迷都瞩目的话题, 但他依然能很有效率, 帮助公牛在季后赛杀出
重围, 而这是在东区, 所以谁真正知道他们能走多远?
He just needs a little luck; something he's been depressingly short on the
past few years.
Rose现在需要的就是运气, 即使这几年他倒楣的很.
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