[外絮] 运动画刊评选本季假摔大奖 (下) 十大假摔

楼主: wilsonkoo (卷毛)   2015-04-09 14:10:13
来源: Sports Illustrated http://ppt.cc/sEeI
作者: BEN GOLLIVER 2015/4/8
The following are SI.com's top 10 flops of 2014-15. Only officially
designated flops were eligible for consideration. The absurdity of each play
was the chief criterion in developing these rankings, with bonus points given
to arm and head flailing, spinning, overreacting to zero contact, and
好的, 现在送上本季十大假摔, 候选项目皆为NBA官方认证过的假摔, 主要评分标准为
各假摔的蠢度, 而加分项目则有: 头与手的晃动幅程度, 身体旋转幅度, 假摔稀有度,
作者: icecream1224 (输不起就别出来打)   2015-04-09 17:57:00

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