[情报] Greg Monroe 活塞不想交易,也不想给顶薪

楼主: joey1149 (Joey)   2014-07-23 01:45:01
活塞队方面 :
According to Steve Kyler, of Basketball Insiders, the Detroit Pistons don't
want to trade restricted free agent Greg Monroe, but at the same time don't
want to offer him a max contract either.
活塞内部重要人士Steve Kyler表示:"对于RFA Monroe,活塞不想给顶薪也不想交易他"。
The Milwaukee Bucks and Phoenix Suns have reportedly shown interest in the
possibilities of a sign and trade for Monroe.
公鹿队与太阳队则表示非常想透过 S&T 得到Monroe。
Keeping a frontline of Monroe and Drummond intact for the foreseeable future
won't be easy, but the first step in making that happen is by keeping Monroe.
(活塞深知)保持Monroe and Drummond的前场阵容,不是这么的简单,但是他们还是很想留住Monroe。
According to NBA scribe Chuck Myron, the Suns and Pistons could get together
for a sign-and-trade between Greg Monroe and Eric Bledsoe but such a deal
just might not make enough sense for the Suns even if it indeed makes some
decent sense.
Eric Bledsoe <==>Greg Monroe 的交易看似不错,但是对太阳而言
这好像不太make sense (太阳嫌出太多筹码之类的?)
It’s an intriguing idea, but I don’t think Monroe fits what the Suns want
to do in their up-tempo attack. They’ve already got Miles Plumlee at center,
and Alex Len, last year’s No. 5 overall pick, is behind him. I think they’d
be the ones to leave the table on this one, but I think they’d give it some
thought first.
Monroe不一定适合太阳的快节奏进攻,而太阳在5号位上也有Miles Plumlee和
2013 No.5的Alex Len,如果真的要 S&T,太阳会拿出的筹码应该是他们。
Phoenix has made some interesting moves this summer so far, including a
sign-and-trade for Isaiah Thomas, meaning that they don’t keep Bledsoe and
make sacrifices to do so.
太阳已经签下 Isaiah Thomas,也意味着不一定要留下Bledsoe了,(可以牺牲他去做交易?)
蛮支持 Eric Bledsoe <==>Greg Monroe 的交易,好处多多
(1) Josh Smith回到4号位说不定会爆发
(2) Eric Bledsoe当活塞队主控应该比建宁更能善用双塔
(3) Alex Len或Miles Plumlee或MM兄弟,可以当配菜补足活塞的替补内线
(4) Brandon Jennings活塞从此之后就用不到了,也就可以卖到休士顿火箭队了
但是骑士队如果拿 DW + TT ,应该也换的到Greg Monroe
作者: encorej77107   2014-07-23 01:55:00
meeks实用性上会比turner好用太多Turner去溜马没球权就打不好..偏偏他要当1哥 只能在76人这种观念队没看活塞不知活塞打法 但我不看好他在塞尔提克
作者: AccurateBell (神准贝尔)   2014-07-23 08:19:00
作者: AlHarrington (哈宝宝。)   2014-07-23 08:45:00

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