[外絮] 小牛瞄准Gordon Hayward;热火找上Ariza

楼主: taylorliao (Page)   2014-07-06 18:40:36
Mark Cuban:"I'm still watching you Gordon."
Dwain Price: According to a reliable source, the #Mavs still have #Jazz RFA
Gordon Hayward on their wish-list. Twitter @DwainPrice
Dwain Price(沃斯堡明星电讯报记者):“根据可靠的消息,在小牛的口袋名单中还是依然存
在 Gordon Hayward 的名子。”
Pat Riley:"Trevor look at me, have you ever heard about...."
Michael Lee: Trevor Ariza met with Pat Riley on Thursday in LA, according to
@WojYahooNBA. Heat still scrambling to find help for Big 3 #wizards Twitter
@MrMichaelLee -
Michael Lee(华盛顿邮报记者):“根据Woj的消息指出,Trevor Ariza 在台北时间星期三
时在LA和 Pat Riley 见过面,热火方面依然为了帮三巨头找帮手抓人中。 ”
Mike Miller:"Make me feel secure"
The Grizzlies, according to the source, had an initial offer of two years and
annual salary between $2.4 and $2.9 million. Though Miller has repeatedly
expressed his desire to stay in Memphis, he is also looking for more security
in what will likely be his last multi-year deal. ESPN 929
ESPN:“根据消息透露,灰熊已经开给老将 Mike Miller 一份初步的报价,价码落在2年
平均年薪2.4M-2.9M之间。虽然 Miller 不断地表示他希望留在曼菲斯,但同时他也在寻找
一份更有 保障的合约,因为这一份很有可能会是他生涯中最后一纸复数年的合约了。”
作者: RodrigueZ810 (装小维)   2014-07-06 18:54:00
作者: GordnHayward (GordonHayward)   2014-07-06 20:13:00

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