Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak suggested Wednesday that the NBA will see
Bryant's full attack mode when he returns to the court at age 36 next season
under a new head coach. "He's under contract for two more years, and we think
he's a very integral part of this team," Kupchak said. "We have to make sure
that whoever we hire as a coach can really get the most productivity out of
him, whether it's scoring the ball or playmaking or the threat that he may
score." Bleacher Report
湖人GM Mitch Kupchak 在今日受访时表示 NBA 绝对在下个赛季当 Kobe Bryant 以36岁的
到底任命了哪一个人当总教练,他都要能 Kobe 的最大值能力值给发挥出来,不管是得分能