今年2月份被尼克买断合约, 如今呈半退休状态的慈世平先生, 虽然没打球了, 但还是不
甘寂寞, 最近他用他特殊的随兴无厘头风格在Twitter上抒发他对马刺的爱, 非常好笑。
Tim Duncan #MVP
Actually, Spurs for MVP. they should make 15 little small people mvp's . Not
midgets , small people. Reward togetherness .
(嗯实际上,应该说马刺是MVP, 他们应该作15个小人MVP奖杯。不是侏儒喔, 是小的“人
When I have ten kids , I will name them all Spurs players name. Even the
girls. We will be a family
(等我有十个小孩的时候, 我要用马刺球员帮他们命名。女的也一样,我们是一家人)
Every morning after breakfast we will bring it in and Say "go spurs". Little
Timmy says"dad , what's a spur" dad says "it's a team son"
(每天早上早餐后我们就聚在一起说“马刺加油” 小叮当肯说“爸爸什么是马刺阿?”
My ten kids will share Tabasco .(我的十个孩子们将会分享一罐Tabasco酱。编按:
We will have the most efficient bar of soap in America. We are "Da Spurs" I'm
changing my last name to Da Spur. "Mr.DaSpur"
(我们将成为全美国最强效的一块肥皂!我们是“那马刺” 我要把我的姓改成“那马刺