M8M20M22 (Cosimo)
2014-02-21 11:30:35※ 引述《permoon (有志难伸优质写手ㄉㄉ)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《thanos (thanos)》之铭言:
: : 台北时间2月21日
: : 美国著名篮球专家韦塞利(Peter Vecsey)爆料称,霍华德(Dwight Howard)对火箭引进朗多
: : (Rajon Rondo)并不感兴趣,因为后者像科比(Kobe Bryant)一样自私,而魔兽则喜欢嘻嘻
: : 哈哈的快乐打球。或许,火箭最终没能得到朗多,和霍华德有很大的关系。
: : “有可靠的线人告诉我,霍华德对联手朗多并不是很感兴趣,虽然说算不上讨厌,但绝对
: : 也不会激动和兴奋。这两人打球态度就不同,根本不是一路人。为何这样说呢?朗多在
: : 球场上很自私,像科比一样自私,而霍华德则属于大大咧咧的类型。”韦塞利说。
: 这个记者根本乱翻,我们来看看原文怎么写:
: 第一则推特:
: Hearing Howard isn't thrilled by prospects of RR joining HR. Not that he's
: opposed but not crazy about it. Different attitudes & approaches
: 第二则推特
: Why would Howard feel that way? Rondo is cutthroat! A Kobe Klone! Howard
: likes to play around
: https://twitter.com/PeterVecsey1/status/436367636478582784
: 这位作者写的是Rondo is cutthroat,cutthroat可以翻成自私吗?
: 原文明明是说DH并不特别希望跟Rondo一起打球,因为两者的态度和打球的方法有差异,
: 因为Rondo太拼命和严格了!而DH只想快乐打球。
: 到底是怎么样水准的记者才能把严格和拼命乱翻成自私?
"Why would Howard feel that way? Rondo is cutthroat! A Kobe Klone! Howard
likes to play around"
1 cut·throat noun
Definition of CUTTHROAT
1: killer, murderer
2: a cruel unprincipled person
2 cutthroat adjective
—used to describe a situation in which people compete with each other in an
unpleasant and often cruel and unfair way
Full Definition of CUTTHROAT
1: murderous, cruel
2: marked by unprincipled practices : ruthless <cutthroat competition>
3: characterized by each player playing independently rather than having a
permanent partner —used especially of partnership games adapted for three
players <cutthroat bridge>
我大概英文程度不好 不懂cutthroat跟严格跟拼命关系在哪
不过软豆让休息室爆炸的纪录大家可以去查一下 还有他中二豆的发言