Re: [外絮] 撤换了Frank后~~Kidd教头简化了防守

楼主: bobyacool (逼欧逼耶酷)   2013-12-29 23:38:46
※ 引述《YummyKidd (悠米)》之铭言:
: Sometimes less is more, and simpler is better. At least, that’s the case with
: the Nets’ scaled-back schemes that — at least appear to have — helped spark
: their recent resurgence.
: 有时候~~说得少比长篇大论更能更好~~
: 至少在逐渐复苏的篮网身上看到了这一点~~
: “I’ve simplified it,’’ said rookie head coach Jason Kidd.
: “That’s as good as it gets, when you simplify things and guys have bought in
: and guys are doing it at a high level right now.’’
: 篮网现任教练老基表示~~已经将很多不必要的东西都简化了~~
: 现在可以专注在更高水准的事情上~~
: Kidd had reassigned assistant coach Lawrence Frank two games prior to that,
: demoting the de facto defensive coordinator to doing “daily reports.”
: 老基将劳抡斯法兰克重新安排到球探一职~~
: 负责每日报表的工作~~
: “Lawrence was always kind of the defensive guy, so he was talking on defense
: and he was definitely long-winded when it came to teaching, so I definitely t
: hink it’s helped,’’ Deron Williams said.
: 球队主控碟龙表示~~法兰克对防守虽然有见解~~但总是长篇大论~~
: 或许有帮助~~但那是在教学上的帮助~~
: “We’re a veteran group, we get things pretty easily. So at times when you’re
: just talking and we’re not practicing, it gets a little lengthy. But I think
: J-Kidd does a good job of getting his points across quick and easy and then we
: move on.’’
: 碟龙接着说~~尤其是我们经验这么丰富的团队~~明明事情很容易的~~
: 却要浪费时间在冗长的事情上~~
: 因此老基简化防守后~~对球队反而更加有帮助~~可以花更多的时间在训练上~~
: “Yeah, I think it has,’’ Joe Johnson said.
: “I think we’ve been communicating. Jason’s been on us a lot, especially in
: practices, about communicating, talking to one another, and making everybody’
: s job easy.
: 记者问及JJ的想法~~他也对老基大表赞同~~
: 老基与每个人沟通~~让大家有了更多的交流~~让每个人的工作变得更简单~~
: “Yeah, definitely. He’s basically learned on the fly,’’ Johnson said.
: “So I think as each game goes, he gets better or he tweaks it a little more or
: he gets more vocal or whatever the case may be. He’s definitely gotten a lot
: better.’’
: 对于老基的执教~~JJ也是赞不绝口~~认为越来越棒了~~
我好奇去查了一下 法秃离开前后 篮网得失分的变化
Brooklyn 95.3 102.8 -7.5 12/4 法秃被炒
94.4 102.3 -7.9 12/10 D-Will回归
97.2 101.8 -4.6 12/20 Lopez报销
97.0 102.1 -5.1 12/29 now
法秃被炒以后到D-Will回归前 篮网场均失分大概少了0.5 但是得分却少了0.9
而D-Will回归以后 比较明显的是得分场均增加了2.8 失分少了0.5
最后Lopez报销 DIFF到现在又少少了0.5
仔细看法秃就算被调走 对篮网防守似乎影响不大 甚至在得分上下滑了
而12/4-12/10的对手是 金块 尼克 公鹿 也不是什么特别强的队伍
说是因为对上强队才导致如此变化 似乎也说不通
看来看去会稍微变强一点 主要还是D-Will回归吧 法秃有没有被调职这个因素很像
不大 甚至调职以后篮网还有变弱的倾向 所以说法秃导致篮网战术混乱 似乎也说不过去吧
而且我也看不出来失分从102.8-101.8 有很大的差异 与其归功于老基少了乱子可以放手干
而糗爷首席弟子YummyKidd说 篮网即将飞天 我倒是拭目以待啦
1/1@马刺 1/3@雷霆 1/5 骑士 1/7 老鹰 1/9 勇士 1/11 热火 1/12@暴龙
1/17@老鹰 1/21@尼克 1/22 魔术 1/25 小牛 1/27@赛尔提克 1/28 暴龙
7主6客 一半一半 而且我不知道那些球队对篮网算是弱队 那些算是强队
很像都比篮网强 不知道到时候DIFF变化会变成怎样 会不会如同外絮所述 防守战术简化
以后 效率会变好 请大家拭目以待 而本人粗估4胜9败 不知道到时会是什么情形
作者: watermelon92 (ACE)   2013-12-30 02:08:00
作者: collman7883a (暂时没有空)   2013-12-30 07:46:00
推不知道哪些球队对篮网是强队 哪些是弱队XD

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