※ [本文转录自 Jeremy_Lin 看板 #1IV9_NoH ]
作者: honercek (Happy Life) 看板: Jeremy_Lin
标题: Re: [爆料] cyberx:魔兽对PG位置不太满意
时间: Fri Nov 8 16:24:52 2013
I was sitting behind the Rockets bench and there were a few times Lin was getting
chewed out by Harden and McHale for what seemed not running the right play on the
precious possession and holding the ball too long.
Lin has some boneheaded plays, but tonight...smh. Lin played pretty good tonight,
there were several times I saw Harden yelling at Lin after he passed to another
open player. Literally the most efficient player on the team tonight, and Lin is
getting yelled at. That last play when Blake drained the 3 at the end and Howard
was giving Lin ****.
Lin 确实有几球打的不好,但是今晚他表现很好。有次几我看到哈哈对 Lin 咆啸,因为 Lin
把球传给了有空档的队友(而不是给哈哈?)。最后一球 Blake 三分应声入网后,Howard
给了 Lin...?(骂脏话?)