skymay (随遇而安)
2013-10-07 22:46:15消息来源:http://voice.hupu.com/nba/1522705.html
ESPN报导,金块的主教练Brian Shaw表示他不会邀请禅师来担任自己的助理教练。
"No," Shaw said with a laugh Sunday when asked if he had any plans to coerce
the Zen Master out of retirement to join his coaching staff. "He can be my
Tex? No. No."
Tex Winter是禅师在公牛时期的助教,他发明了三角进攻,并且将之传授给了禅师。
Brian Shaw曾经在湖人打了4年球拿了三枚戒指,随后又在球队做了8年的助理教练又
"Going to Indiana the last two years was probably the best thing that could
have happened to me, in retrospect looking back at it," said Shaw, who was
the associate head coach of the Indiana Pacers before landing the Nuggets
job. "I had only known one way of doing things and being under Frank Vogel in
Indiana and seeing the way that he prepared for the games, the way he
practiced, was more along the lines of what the majority of the teams I would
imagine do things. Phil had a very unique way of doing things so it was nice
(to be in Indiana). I feel more well-rounded now, or more rounded I should
say, having experienced the last two years in Indiana."
“过去在溜马的两年也许是能发生在我身上最好的事情,跟着Frank Vogel,我学会了
如何准备比赛,如何安排训练,而且在我看来这是大多数球队的训练方式。 菲尔的方
法则更加独一无二,因此(能来到溜马看看其他球队的做法)这很好。 经历了过去的
然后,Shaw还说到了金块新赛季的打法,他表示上赛季 57胜的球队,将会在新赛季打
"It won't be the same break-neck pace that it was last year," Shaw said. "My
experience playing here (in L.A.), we played the Sacramento Kings, the
Phoenix Suns, teams that got up and down, made it a fast pace and won a lot
of games during the regular season that didn't necessarily translate to going
deep into the playoffs.
“球队不会和去年一样打得这么快。”Shaw说道, “这是我在湖人执教的经验告诉我
的,那些打得节奏很快的球队,比如国王、太阳,他们在常规赛会赢很多的比赛, 但
"So, we will play a more traditional style in terms of trying to develop an
inside game. Trying to get better in halfcourt execution and being a better
defensive and a better rebounding team. So, the pace will be a little bit
slower. We still want to take advantage of our speed and the youth that we
have, especially when we're playing at home, but it will be a more
traditional style of inside-out play."
“因此,我们会打得更加传统,从内线发起进攻,提高半场执行力, 努力在防守端做
的更好,还有保护好篮板。 我们的节奏会慢一点,但我们仍然想利用年轻队员的速度