也才两个星期 变得太快了吧
才说嘴就打了嘴 这是尚书大人吗
T-mac当时it takes five的英姿到哪去啦
该不会真的T-mac被外星人绑架啦 现在这个冒牌的再干什么阿
前NBA球星“小虫”Dennis Rodman“LBJ普通球员论”像台湾8日清晨的地震般令人震惊,
也曾在联盟红极一时的“T-Mac”Tracy McGrady同意了前辈的说法。
’,但现在有太多‘男孩’了,这就是我每次被问到LeBron James和Michael Jordan差别
※ 引述《skymay (随遇而安)》之铭言:
: McGrady says James one of NBA's most gifted athletes ... in any era
: Tracy McGrady finally played in the NBA Finals, albeit as a benchwarmer for
: the San Antonio Spurs against the Miami Heat.
: It had been a long time coming for him — he has been in the NBA since 1997
: but had never made it past the first round of the playoffs before this season.
: McGrady was asked last week by the New York Times about comparisons between
: LeBron James and Michael Jordan, since he played against both. Here’s what
: he said: “When I first came in ... you still had M.J. and them guys in the
: game ... you had men. You played with men. Now it’s a bunch of boys.”
: While he acknowledged the differences in their eras, McGrady called Dennis
: Rodman’s recent statement that James would have been an “average” player
: in the 1990s “a little overboard,” calling LeBron “one of the most gifted
: athletes that we’ve ever seen in our game, any era.”
: It was only natural that McGrady would be asked about the LeBron-Jordan
: debate, because his career spanned both eras and he once was considered one
: of the best players before injuries robbed him of his athleticism.
: McGrady, who scored no points and averaged 1.3 rebounds and 1.2 assists in
: the postseason with the Spurs, played for the Pistons in 2010-11.
: 麦迪在上周接受纽约时报采访时被问到了詹姆斯和乔丹相比较的问题,他直言詹姆斯
: 在篮球领域乃是天纵奇才。
: 他谈道:“当我刚进来时,那时候的联盟还拥有乔丹以及其他男子汉们,这里是铁汉
: 们的天下,而现在这里是男孩们的了。”随后麦迪指出罗德曼最近称詹姆斯在90年代
: 只是一个“平均水平球员”的言论“有点过了(a little overboard)”, 麦迪进一步
: 称赞詹姆斯“不管哪个时代,都是这项运动里不世出的天才球员。”
: 麦迪之所以被这么问到也不出奇,因为1997年进入联盟的他曾先后对阵过多位时代巨
: 星,他自己也曾天马行空风光无两,本赛季季后赛麦迪随马刺队杀入了总决赛,场均
: 贡献1.3个篮板与1.2次助攻。
: http://voice.hupu.com/nba/1446332.html
: http://www.freep.com/article/20130624/SPORTS03/306240024/tracy-mcgrady