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作者: Paraguay (巴拉圭) 看板: LeBronJames
标题: [情报] Heat v Bucks Post Game News/Stats:
时间: Mon Apr 22 23:39:04 2013
Source : http://0rz.tw/uJs7s
Heat v Bucks Post Game News/Stats:
1. Over his last 10 games, LeBron is shooting 70% from the floor and 57%
from deep. This is what prime LeBron looks like.
2. @EliasSports - LeBron James has 13 playoff games with 25 pts/10 rebounds
/8 assists. Oscar Robertson has the next-most: 10
LeBron James在季后赛同时达到25分、10篮板、8助攻的比赛加今天这一场总共
是13场了。第二是Oscar Robertson的10场。
3. @EliasSports- LeBron James scored or assisted on 44 of the Heat's points
Bucks coach Jim Boylan on LeBron James: "I mean, what can you do?"
公鹿总教练Jim Boylan表示: "你说,我们还可以做什么?"
4. @EthanJSkolnick: Two years ago, if LeBron takes 11 shots, people would
wonder why he was so passive. As Battier noted, "The narrative has totally
Shane Battier表示,如果LeBron在两年前的比赛里只出手11次的话,那么人们
5. LeBron: "I think what really opened up everybody was CB. He opened up
the lane for all of us."
LeBron: "我认为今天最关键的人就是Chris Bosh。是他打开了一条路给我们大家。"
6. LeBron said he didn't have any flashbacks to last postseason: "I'm kind
of just living in the moment."
LeBron说进入季后赛没有想过去年夺冠的场景。 "没有,那没有浮现在我脑中。"
7. LeBron on the left-handed dunk: "I was just being aggressive. I saw the
lane. I saw one of their bigs acting like he was going to come."
LeBron谈自己的左手灌篮: "我只是打出侵略性,我看到了禁区。我看到他们的
8. LeBron: "I'm setting the bar too high for myself, coming out and shooting
9-for-11. If I go 9-for-18, you guys look at me crazy."
LeBron: "今晚11投9中,我好像给我自己设定的标准太高了。下次要是我18投9中
9. LeBron: "We have so many threats out on the floor, it allows me to just
play without any stress, because I know guys can make plays."
LeBron: "我们在场上有如此多威胁点,可以使我打得毫无压力。因为我相信我的
10. LeBron saying rest helped him late in season for Game 1: "I was mentally
sharp preparing for this team the last few days."
LeBron认为季赛结束前的轮休的确有帮助: "这让我过去这几天有足够的时间好好